Chapter 4

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I cant have Fred see me like this. I tuck the loose strands of hair behind my ear and wipe the mascara off of my cheeks. I shakily step out of the stall. I look up to see Fred standing there with a worried look etched on his face. I whisper to him, "I'm fine Fred, I'm just not used to eating anything other than a little bit of dinner. It's nothing bad." Fred responds, "If you say so Rayla. Come back to the great hall with me?" I nod and follow him out of the bathroom.

I can feel other students eyes on me as I walk into the great hall. I sit down at the Ravenclaw table and Rosalie quickly grabs my arm and pinches me. I yelp and say, "What was that for?!?" She responds with, "That's for leaving me!" I only shake my head and look over at the twins. Fred is looking down at his plate while George is attempting to pull a prank on a kid named Lee. I look down the table some more and see another ginger boy. I easily recognize him as a Weasley. That must me Fred and George's little brother Ron. He is sitting with a boy with black hair and glasses and a little lighting bolt shaped scar on his forehead, and a girl with wildly curly brunette hair. The girl looks up and makes eye-contact with me and waves. I shyly wave back and she nudges Ron and the boy with glasses. The trio stands up and walks over to me. The girl then introduces herself, "I'm Hermione Granger. The boy on my right is Ron and the boy on my left is Harry Potter." I gasp when I hear Harry's name realizing that he's the famous boy who survived an attack from the evil wizard that shall not be named. I shake Hermione and Rons hands. I reach my hand out to Harry and his face tints pink. He grabs my hand and shakes it a bit longer than most do. I look up and see Fred staring at me with a mad look on his face. What's he so mad about? Hermione waves at me signaling the trio is going back to their table. People start standing up to go to their first class of the day. I stand and walk towards the doors to go to herbology. I feel a hand on each arm and look over to see the twins. George then says, "So you ready for herbology with us?"

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