Chapter 85

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I walk into the Burrow and Molly greets me immediately. She hugs me tight and says,"There is my favorite soon to be daughter-in-law. How is my grandbaby?" I smile and respond,"They are doing just fine. A little morning sickness here and there but that is all." She lays her hand on my shoulder and asks,"So are you ready to go shopping for a dress?" I nod and the two of us apparate to Diagon Alley. We head into one of the clothing shops and look around. We are trying to look for a wedding dress I can wear on my big day. I walk through the aisles of clothing in search of the perfect dress. I spot a white dress tucked in the corner of a rack and grab it. I call over Molly. She takes a look at it and excitedly says,"Try it on, love!" I walk into one of the dressing rooms and put on the dress. The dress is very flowy and the sleeves are off the shoulders. I walk out of the dressing room and Molly gasps. She runs up to me and says,"It is perfect. You look so beautiful in it." I nod and say,"I didnt think it would be the first one I would find, but I think this is the one." Molly grins and says,"Well then lets go pay for it. I will keep it at my house so the Twins wont go snooping and look at it." 

I walk into the joke shop and George yells out,"Freddie, Rayla is back!" Fred comes rushing towards me and throws me over his shoulder. I laugh and ask,"What in Merlin's name are you doing?" Fred sets me down on the stairs and says,"I have to show you something that George and I did while you were with mum." He lead me up the stairs and into the flat. He stand in front of the door to where the Twin's office is and says,"Close your eyes, princess." I do as he says and I can hear him open the door. He tells me to open my eyes and I see that the office is cleared out. I turn to him and ask,"Why did you clear out the office?" He kisses my forehead and says,"This is where baby Weasley is going to sleep. George and I came up with the idea and decided to surprise you." I smile at him and kiss him. We pull away for air and I turn around to look at the empty room. I think of all the things we could do with this space. Fred hugs me from behind and lays both hands on my stomach. Ive noticed that Freddie is clingy to the area. I giggle and say,"You really love this baby dont you?" He kisses the back of my head and says,"I cant wait to see them. Our baby has a family that loves them and who cant wait to hold the little one. You, Georgie, and the baby are the most important people in my life." I rest my hands on his and smile. Fred will be an amazing father. 

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