Chapter 99

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I practically drag George through the door of a muggle baby store to look for clothes and furniture for the nursery. George groans and asks,"Why am I here again?" I look back at him and say,"Because this kid needs clothes other than the ones Molly knits for them. I also need to start setting up the nursery so the baby has a place to sleep." George shakes his head and walks over to a large stand of baby clothes. I look around at the shirts before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see George holding up the cutest elephant onesie. I grin and say,"We better grab a basket."

George and I walk out of the store holding armfuls of bags filled to the top with baby clothing. George is also holding a box that has a grey crib in it. We walk into a hidden alley and apparate into the flat. We set the bags and box down in the empty nursery and I say,"The walls do look rather bland. What do you say we change that?" George nods and pulls out his wand,"What color do you want?" I think it over before saying,"Let's do a light grey. Its fairly gender neutral and as the little one grows we can change it if they'd like." George smiles and flicks his wand. I watch as the walls change color. I open the box of the crib and wave my finger around. The crib starts setting itself up and I hear George say,"You're getting really good at this wandless magic. Soon enough you might not even need a wand at all." I laugh at his words and say,"Thank you Georgie. Also thank you for putting up with me and these pregnancy hormones." He smiles and pulls me into a hug,"You're my sister-in-law and my best friend, I kind of have to put up with you." I rest my head on his chest and say,"I'm glad to have you as my best friend." We finish setting up the nursery and putting the clothes away. George looks at me and asks,"What do you say I take you to a fancy dinner? And if anyone asks if youre my wife and if that's my baby I'll prank them so hard." I smile and nod before saying,"I'm not wearing any dang heels though." George chuckles and says,"Just go get ready." I waddle into Fred and I's room and open the closet. I pull out the only dress that still fits me, well it is also the only dress I bought at the maternity clothing store. It's just a simple dark blue dress with long sleeves. I pull it on and step into my black flats. I flip my hair and walk out of the room and to meet George who was just about to ask if I was ready. I grab his arm and he raises his eyebrow. I put my other hand on my baby bump and say,"There's no way I am getting down those stairs all by myself at eight and a half months pregnant." George shakes his head lovingly and says,"We were just going to apparate there you dork."

George pulls out a chair for me and helps me sit down. He sits across from me and I say,"Not sure how i'm gonna eat without spilling. My baby bump makes me pretty far away from the table." George laughs at my words and says,"I'm sure you'll be fine." The waiter takes our orders and says,"You two make such a lovely couple and I'm sure your kid will be adorable." George and I lock eyes and burst out into giggles. George looks at the waiter and says,"We aren't together. She is my sister-in-law and her husband is away for a week so I'm treating her to dinner since she misses him." The waiter looks pale and walks off to the kitchen. I smile and say,"I really do appreciate you doing this. I didn't think I could miss Freddie this much." George frowns and says,"He's your husband and your other best friend. You two are linked to each other, not just in marriage but your souls have been linked. I noticed it as soon as you came back from America. The way you two looked at each other made everyone jealous, even if you two weren't even dating yet. I always wanted a relationship like yours and Fred's. Luckily now I have one. But you and Fred are never truly apart, wherever one of you goes you bring a piece of the others soul with you. Plus you know, you are carrying his child." I feel a few tears welling up in my eyes and George gets out of his seat and walks over to me. He bends down and hugs me tightly. George runs his hand over my hair comfortingly and asks,"You miss him more than anything don't you?" I nod and say,"We haven't really been apart since the war, well with the exception of me being in a coma for a month." George pulls out of the hugs and rests his hands on my shoulders,"He'll be back tomorrow. That's not long at all." I nod and try to think positive  but suddenly I feel a trickle of liquid run down my legs. I whip my head up and say,"He better get home right now, I think my water just broke!"

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