Chapter 95

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I pace around the kitchen trying to make sure none of the food burns. The Twins have been working hard in the shop and deserve a warm meal before they pass out from exhaustion. They made the shops hours longer which means I dont really get to see them since they are either working or sleeping whenever I have a bit of free time. I wave my finger and the cookbook flips a page. I have really gotten used to using wandless magic around the flat. I study the page before walking to the oven in order retrieve the cupcakes that have been baking. The smell of the baked goods overwhelms my senses and I sigh out. I set up the table with the food and leave the cupcakes on the counter to cool down. Fred and George should be off work in about an hour which gives me time to relax. I move to sit down on one of the dining room chairs but struggle to bend my body. I huff out in frustration before walking back over to the kitchen counter. I snatch one of the cupcakes from the pan and begin eating it. The sweet taste of chocolate makes me smile. I feel pressure of the baby and laugh. I rub a few circles where the kicking was and say,"So you like chocolate, little one? So did your grandpa Remus." I have gotten used to calling Remus my father and the baby's grandfather. In just the few years I knew him he took care of me more than my biological father ever did. I finish the cupcake and lean on the counter and wait for the Twins. 

I hear Fred and George's heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and smile. I flick my hands and the candles I had set up are now lit. The Twins open the door and I smile at them warmly. Fred walks over and kisses my forehead and then my growing belly. George sets a hand on my stomach and says,"You know this dinner would be much more sweeter if you werent wearing sweatpants and one of Freddie's sweatshirts." Fred smacks his brothers arm before saying,"Why dont you become 7 months pregnant and wear tight clothes all the time. I think she looks amazing." I peck his lips before attempting to sit down on one of the chairs. I groan when I can maneuver my body to do so without falling. Fred chuckles and asks,"Need some help there, Wifey?" I nod and he grabs my hands in order to keep me steady. I finally manage to sit down and I thank him. 

After we finish eating dinner I get up and grab the cupcakes and set them down on the table. George laughs and asks,"How come there is one missing?" I bite my lip before saying,"The baby wanted chocolate. Pretty sure this little one will be like Remus and love everything chocolate." The Twins finish their cupcakes and I clear the table for them. I grab Georges wine glass and start walking over to the sink. I feel a sudden wave of tiredness fall over me and I drop the glass, and watch as it shatters on the floor. I whisper Fred's name before falling to the ground. 

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