Chapter 12

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Christmas is finally here! This first half of the year has been... interesting. So far I've met the Weasley twins (who are my besties), I met my other bestie Rosalie, and 'the trio' as the twins and I call them. George,Fred, and I are currently hurling snowballs at the back of Professor Quirell's head. I giggle as the professor looks around confused trying to find the source of the snowballs. I'm so happy all the Weasley boys are staying here this Christmas. Tomorrow is Christmas day and I couldnt be more excited. Professors Mcgonagall and Flitwick are allowing me to spend the night in the Gryffindor rooms with Hermione (Even though I will most likely sneak into the Twins' room.

Its about 9 p.m. and Hermione,Ron,Harry, the Twins, and I are all sitting in front of the fire. I am squished in between Fred and George. Fred is holding my right hand and George is holding my left because my hands feel like ice even though im literally in front of a fire. Percy walks in and says,"Arent you boys a little close to her?" The twins scoff and George says, "Well Perce, if you knew how cold she was youd be close to her to." Percy comes up to me and places his hand on top of mine and quickly pulls away. He clears his throat and says, "Carry on." Then hurries out of the room. We all laugh at the Weasley.

About 2 hours pass and we all decide to go to bed. I scurry into Hermiones room and lay in an empty bed close to the door. Mcgonagall checks in on each room and then leaves to go to her quarters. I finally am able to put my plan into action. I tip-toe towards the door and wait for Fred and George's signal. I hear an... interesting bird call and I giggle quietly. I sneak across the common room to the Twins room. Luckily everyone else that had been in their room went home for the holiday. I am greeted by the Twins hugging me. Ever since we met, all three of us have been clingy on each other. Fred hands me his sweater knowing that im cold (Like always). I slip it on and we get to work building a blanket fort.

About 30 minutes later the fort is complete and we all rush to get in there. I snuggle into a fuzzy blanket in the middle of the fort and the Twins lay down beside me. One on each side of me like always, just a habit we have picked up. I roll onto my right side and make eye contact with Fred. I blush and cover my face with the blanket. He gently pulls it down and smiles. I smile back and close my eyes attempting to fall asleep. I am almost asleep... well until I feel warm lips press against my forehead. I decide to keep my eyes shut in order not to alarm him. What in the world just happened? DID FRED WEASLEY JUST KISS MY FOREHEAD?!?!

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