Chapter 3

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I open my eyes as soon as I feel the suns warmth hit my face. I sit up and look at the clock and it shows that I still have an hour before breakfast begins. I get out of bed and put on my uniform. I walk over to my top drawer and pull out my makeup. I put on some mascara and chapstick. I weave my blonde hair into a braid that rests on my left shoulder. I shake Rosalie awake and she jumps up and smacks me with her pillow. I explain why she needs to get up and she groans.

Who in the world decided that they need so many stair cases? I take a shaky breath as I almost trip down a few steps. I feel a hand grab my sleeve and I quickly turn my head to see who it is. The two heads of red hair give it away. The twins both smile at me cheekily and I know they are up to something. George raises is hand to his mouth as to blow a kiss. I look at his hand and see a handful of blue powder. He blows the powder towards my hair. I slowly turn my head to my left and see that my hair is now a vibrant blue. I whip my head to George and lunge at him in attempt to strangle him. I am stopped by Fred putting his arms around my waist and pulling my towards him. My face turns a deep shade of red as I struggle to get away. George is laughing at the sight and how I tried to practically kill him. I shout at him, "Change it back right now!" This makes George laugh even harder. He takes out his wand and says something I couldnt hear. My hair turns back to its normal blonde and I sigh in relief. Fred finally lets go of me and I lightly smack the twins on the head. They both say in unison, "What was that for." I dont respond and simply keep walking.

When I reach the great hall the twins are still attempting to apologize and bribe me to talk to them. I ignore all of their actions and keep walking, well that is until I feel the warm hand against my freezing cold one. I look over and see Fred giving me a pouty face with George beside him also pouting. I just groan before finally saying, "Fine I forgive you. But you have to promise not to prank me anymore." They both nod and in unison say, "Yes Ma'am." I walk over to my table and sit down as the twins sit at their table.

As I just sit and look at my food not wanting to eat anything. I feel a presence sit beside me. I turn around and see George. He then says, "Please eat something. I saw you barely eat yesterday and youre not eating now. Fred is over there worrying because he doesn't want you feeling sick. So if you dont eat now I will drag you over to our table and have Fred talk to you." I only shake my head knowing that if I eat I will gain weight and I cant be called fat again. Last time I tried eating I automatically threw it up. George sighed and grabbed my arm and did what he promised to do. He dragged me over to Fred and sat me down. I keep my head down as I feel Fred staring at me. "Please eat Rayla. I couldnt be able to stand seeing you sick.",Fred's voice is so soothing. I look up at him and see hes holding a pastry. I take it from him and force myself to take a bite. Only taking one bight makes me feel sick and I get up and run out of the great hall. I head for the bathroom and empty my stomach. I burst into tears after realizing how I must have embarrassed myself. I keep sobbing until I hear a familiar voice call out my name, and of course that voice belongs to Fred.

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