Chapter 75

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Fred reaches out for me but I slam the door in his face. I can feel the anger boiling inside of me and it's getting harder to keep it in. He just told me that he doesnt want me to fight in the war. I even tried to ask George to help me prove my point but he just agreed with his brother. Fred is being to protective over me. I sink down to the ground and let out my frustration in the form of tears. Sobs escape my lips and I feel like giving up. I dont understand why he doesnt think I can defend myself. I walk to the closet and pull out the last thing Sirius gave me, one of his rings on a chain. He gave me the ring for Christmas and told me that he wanted me to have it so I knew he would always be close to me. I slip the chain over my head and walk over to the door. I rest my forehead against the cool wood and whisper,"Are you still there, Freddie?" Its quiet for a moment until I hear him whisper back,"Im here, love." I open the door and see Fred standing there with puffy eyes. He has definitely been crying. I step forward and hug him. He cradles my head and kisses my forehead. When we pull away I ask,"Why dont you want me to fight?" He runs his hand up and down my arm and says,"I am not going to loose you. We have already seen enough death." A tear falls onto my sweater and I respond,"Thats exactly my point, Freddie. We have seen way to many people die. I cant have anyone else die when I can possibly stop it from happening. My uncle died fighting to keep everyone else alive and I will do the same if I have to. I have to make sure no one else gets hurt. I can defend myself." Fred sighs,"I know you can. I shouldnt have told you that you cant fight. You are honestly the strongest woman I know. Well maybe other than my mother." I giggle,"Your mother is one tough cookie." George walks out of his room and says,"Thats very true. Also, Im sorry I agreed with Fred about you not fighting. I just dont want to loose my best friend." I smile and walk over to George. I hug him tightly and whisper in his ear,"Im too stubborn to leave you two." George laughs and pulls away from the hug. I walk back to Fred and take his face in my hands,"We are going to win this." He nods and I kiss him softly. 

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