Chapter 83

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I try and close my eyes but I just feel sick. I sneak out of Fred's old room in the Burrow an walk down the hall to the bathroom. I kneel in front of the toilet and empty my stomach. I hear footsteps from behind me and when I look back I'm surprised by who it is. Harry is standing behind me and he asks,"Need me to hold back your hair?" I nod and he gathers my hair and holds it back. I smile at him before puking again. I groan and say,"I have only been pregnant for about a week now and the morning sickness is horrible." Harry chuckles and says,"Well we literally just got out of a massive battle. Its only been about 18 hours since I killed the Dark Lord. The stress isnt good for you or the baby." I nod and ask,"So what are we going to do about Teddy? I mean how are we going to raise him?" Harry sighs and says,"Ive already got a solution to that. Tonks' mother offered to raise him. She promised that we can see him whenever we wish. What do you think of that?" I think it over and say,"I feel like that is best. He needs to be raised well." Harry smiles and says,"Well Im glad you think so too. I think I will get back to bed, goodnight." I wave at him and watch as he walks off. I get off of the floor and open one of the drawers in the corner. I know Molly keeps a tin of mints in the bottom drawer for emergencies. I pop a mint into my mouth to get rid of the awful taste that morning sickness leaves. I walk back into the Twins old room and climb back into bed with Fred. He pulls me into him and asks me,"Was it the baby again?" I nod and say,"Im feeling better now though." He kisses the back of my head and falls asleep. I giggle and close my eyes to the sound of George's soft snores. 

I open my eyes to the sound of chatter coming from downstairs. I realize that I am the only one in the room. I laugh and realize that everyone must have let me sleep in. I walk out of the room and head down the stairs. I join the rest of the family in the kitchen. Molly notices me and says,"Ah Rayla dear. How did you sleep?" I grin at her and say,"I slept fairly well. Just a little bit of morning sickness super early today but thats it." She nods and hands me a plate with a muffin on it. I thank her and sit on Freddies lap since there arent any other seats open. He wraps his arms around my waist and I take a bite of the muffin. I notice Fred open his mouth and I laugh before letting him take a bite of my breakfast. Molly scolds him and says,"She is eating for two you know! You dont need to go stealing all her food." I see Ron and George smirking and stick my tongue out at them. I quickly finish my food and listen to Arthur talking about how excited he is to be a grandpa. 

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