Chapter 31

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I fell asleep on Fred, but this nightmare is not what I needed. I am in a room made entirely of mirrors. I see my fathers face in all of them and he says,"You really think you can escape from me?" I shake my head and run to the nearest mirror. I punch it and it shatters. I turn around to break another mirror but see something that would kill me if it was real. It was the burrow. I see Fred standing there shouting my name and then there is a burst of green light leaving Fred's lifeless body laying on the ground in front of the burrow. Tears flood down my face and I cant keep back the scream. I yell Fred's name and punch the mirror. Suddenly all of the mirrors flash to the image of Fred's body. I collapse to my knees and scream. The scream shatters all of the mirrors and the glass  comes flying towards me. I hear my name being called and I everything goes black. 

My eyes fly open and a scream escapes my lips. I feel someones hands take mine and pull me so i'm now sitting up. I meet Fred's eyes and I release I breath I didnt even realize I was holding in. I stare into his eyes and break down in tears. George rushes over to Fred and I and takes my hand in his gently. The door is swung open and the other 4 Weasley's run into the room. Molly rushes to my side and runs her hand through my hair trying to calm me down. Arthur,Ginny, and Ron all stand around the bed asking George what happened. Molly looks Fred in the eyes and says,"What happened?" Fred says panicked,"I dont know mum! I woke up to her thrashing around in her sleep. I tried to shake her awake but it was no use. Then she suddenly woke up and screamed. I sat her up and she collapsed into my arms in tears." Molly turns to Ginny,"Go make a cup of tea. She needs to calm down so we can ask her what she saw." 

A few minutes later Ginny comes running in holding a warm cup of tea. She hands it to her mother who hands me the cup gently. I finally stopped crying but my breathing is still uneven. I take a sip of the tea and take deep breath after deep breath. Fred strokes my arm gently and asks,"Will you tell us what happened?" I nod and recount my dream. When I finish I glance over and see Ron with tears in his eyes but he tries to look brave. Molly interrupts the silence,"We will protect you from your father and thats a promise." Arthur nods and says,"Us Weasley's never break our promises. You can move in with us once the school year is over if you would like. You could share a room with Ginny." Ginny nods and I respond,"I would love that." Everyone but Fred,George, and I walk out of the room. George checks the time and sees its 4 in the morning. He lays back in his bed. I finish my tea and I look over to Fred and say,"Promise me you wont ever leave me? I wouldnt be able to live if you were gone." Fred smiles down at me and says,"I pinky promise." He hold up his pinky and I connect mine with his. We lay back down and Fred circles his arms around my waist once more. I close my eyes and think about my new home with the Weasley's. 

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