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The Troubled Child by lateeda18

 Cartoons » Winx Club Rated: M, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, Diaspro, Sky, Words: 16k+, Favs: 9, Follows: 10, Published: Jan 15, 2009 Updated: Aug 23, 2011 26Chapter 10: Revealing the Truth

After having her dream about Sky, Diaspro walked over to the baby's crib and picked up her crying child. Storm was already a year and a half old and he still had yet to meet his father.

In the year and a half since Storm had been alive, Diaspro had thought a lot about Sky and how she had never really loved him like she thought she did. It was all just lust and hormones, which in some ways she regretted.

Storm was a great part of her life though. Before he was born, she was always depressed about the fact that Sky left her and was always on edge with her parents, especially after she told her father about being pregnant with Sky's baby.

Luckily, he had agreed to not tell Sky or his parents about it and keep it a secret. At first she resented having to be kept a secret since this meant she would fall off the radar for a long time. She still had to live most of her life in secret, and often wished that she could be a normal mother and take her son to the park once and a while without worry about being seen by the paparazzi.

Diaspro changed Storm's diaper and then picked him up to take him down to the kitchen for breakfast. She hoped she would run into her parents there since she had an idea to run across them.

As she took a bottle of baby food out of the refrigerator to feed Storm, her mother walked in.

"Hi mom, how are you this morning?"

"Wonderful. I see Storm is doing well!" Diaspro's mother said as she walked over to Diaspro and took Storm into her arms. She enjoyed being a grandmother very much and was always involved in helping Diaspro take care of Storm.

The women sat down at the table and were silent for a short time. Finally, Diaspro broke the silence.

"I'm tired of being kept a secret mother. I know I wanted it at first, but I just want to be normal like other moms. I want to be able to go shopping with Storm and take him to the park, or to other public places."

"So you want to go public then? You do realize that Sky would find out then."

"I know, I think he deserves to know that he has a son, even if he does not wish to take part in his life whatsoever. I want to tell him first then let the press figure it out for themselves."

"I agree about telling Sky, but I do not want the press to just figure it out. That will create hundreds of unnecessary rumors and I do not want you going through that. We will have a press conference."

"Can you talk to father about it? I really want to go out and tell Sky soon, today if possible."

"Yes, I know he will agree with me though."

The next day, Diaspro was on a transport to Eraklion. She had set up a private meeting with Sky, under an Alias since she was certain he would not want to communicate with her. He still prince but it was predicted that he would soon become King, plus he was currently engaged to Bloom, who ended up being the princess of Domino.

She no longer cared to get revenge on Sky or Bloom. A part of her still loved Sky and always would, but she had started to move on with her life. She still was not fond of Bloom either, but she could respect the fact that Sky wanted to be happy. It just hurt that he could not be happy with her.

The only reason she wanted to confront him was just to let him know about having a son, thus why she wanted a private meeting, without Bloom. That way he could decide if he wanted to tell her about Storm or not.

"You may go in now." The secretary at the front desk said. She walked into a room with a tall ceiling and ornate pictures on it. She could not help but admire them and forget about her meeting for a brief second.

"Diaspro? I thought I was supposed to meet-" Sky said in shock.

"Yeah, well I wasn't sure that you were going to want to talk to me."

"No, it's fine. You don't have to hide." After Sky spoke there was an awkward silence for some time.

"So, why did you want to meet me?" Sky asked after some time.

"Well, there is something I have to tell you. I-, well we, have a baby together."

"What? Wait, no we don't!" Sky said in shock. He then looked down at the stroller and saw Storm sleeping in it.

"We do Sky. I didn't tell you since I had just found out I was pregnant right after the Day of the Royals. I also wanted to somehow try to make you come back to me but after I tried to rescue you, I knew you would not come back to me no matter what."

"How did I not hear about this?"

"My parents kept me away from the press for the past two years. I am tired of hiding though. You said yourself that I don't have to hide."

"But- then the whole realm will find out that I am the father! I can't let that get out Diaspro. You should have just had an abortion!"

Diaspro was starting to see how Sky was not the loving and caring person she had thought he was. In reality, he seemed to be quite selfish.

"How could I have? Storm is the best thing that has happened to me since you cheated on me with that slut! He is what keeps me living every day and makes my life worthwhile!"

Both were silent again after Diaspro's outburst. Finally, Sky spoke up.

"Well I don't know what to do about this then. I cannot have a bastard child with my ex-fiance, especially when I am engaged again."

"I am not hiding anymore. I am going to live my life whether you like it or not."

"I don't like it. Bloom cannot find out about this, and she is not the slut here. You are the one with the child."

"How dare you! It takes two people to make a baby! You are a horrible person Sky! I cannot believe I ever thought I was in love with you, you and Bloom deserve each other. In fact, I almost feel sorry for her now since she is so stupid to believe that you are actually going to treat her like a queen. "

Diaspro then pushed the stroller out of the room and walked straight to her transport. She did not care anymore about keeping Sky's image clean.

"Why should I care about him? He doesn't give a crap about me at all. Driver, please take us to the nearest park!"

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