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The False Queen by Chibbiss

 Cartoons » Winx Club Rated: M, English, Romance & Mystery, Bloom, Sky, Diaspro, Words: 20k+, Favs: 20, Follows: 26, Published: Nov 10, 2016 Updated: Sep 2, 201715Chapter 2: The portal of infiniy

Chapter 2. The portal of infinity

Bloom is headed to one place she has only heard rumors about, she is praying that the place does actually exist and, not only a dream someone dreamt. The story she had heard about was the story about the portal off infinity. The story goes that in the middle of the magic dimension lies a magic portal guarded by a garden so powerful that he will never let anyone through that aren't worthy. Bloom things that she needs help, she cannot help sky without anyone telling her what's wrong with him in the first place. Though the more she thinks about it, the more certain she becomes that he is under some sort of spell, a spell by Diaspro. Bloom stops and tears start to burn in her eyes. Doubt are entering her heart, "what if he's not under a spell, what If he just has changed his mind about me…" Bloom thinks too herself.

"The best way to find out is to visit him myself, " she thinks.

After a long day of traveling, Bloom reaches a mountain with the secret path in between it, just like the story stated it would be. Bloom felt hope build in her chest, the first feeling of something positive since she was at Eraklyon. She hurried and ran into the path, not wanting to waste any time to look and think. She followed the path into a cave, the cave was huge in size, dark walls in the very little light. Every step she took a cold through the cold cave, she can feel the thick air. "Like being in a sauna," she thought. Into the middle of the cave, there was a little pond with water. More water was dropping from the high sky roof of the cave, into the pound, making a melody dropping music, calming to listen to.

Bloom sat down at the pound, feeling tired and drained of energy. "The day has been going through so fast' and my sadness is wearing me down, " Bloom said out loud, not believing that anyone could hear her. She was alone in the cave after all.

Right after, a loud, low violent laughter echoed through the cave. In an instant , Bloom was standing up, ready to transform in order to defend herself.

"Don't b an afraid little fairy, I do not want you any harm, I'm just curious on why a little innocent girl like you, are standing in my realm!" The voice stated.

"I'm looking for the portal of infinity," Bloom said back, a little concerned about whom she had encountered.

"And why is that if I may ask." The Voice stated back again.

"I need to save a person I love, he has been trapped in a curse by an evil person and I want to help him become free" Bloom shouted back, losing her patience with the voice.

"And how do you plan to do that?" The voice answered.

Bloom came to a halt, would she go to Eraklyon and talk to Sky, or would she assume that he was cursed and try to find a cure without seeing him first. She let a moment pass, and then stated. "I need to find a place with information on how to break a powerful curse."

"I see," said the voice, "and if a tell you that there is a library with that information, would you go there then?"

"YES!" shouted Bloom, not caring that the happiness in her voice cracked. A moment passed, nothing could be heard. Bloom started to think that she even might be going crazy and had been dreaming everything. She sat down and continued to listen to the falling drops and the void after the booming voice. Suddenly a string of light, from the middle of the pound, fled up towards the roof of the cave. An immense man with a glimming armor came out from the light and walked on the water towards a shocked Bloom.

"I recognize your face little girl." said the man with a stern voice, "A can see the traces of you parents features in your face." Bloom sucked in a breath, "You know my parents?" Bloom asked in shock.

"Ah, I knew them and I served them, a long time ago, your parents were dear to me, even though I have been existing for such a long time, your parents were something extra. But the keepers of the dragon flame have always been an honor to their people, always doing the right thing. My name is Marlos, the gatekeeper if the portal of infinity, I believe that it is me that you have been searching for."

Bloom looked at him and nodded. "If you knew my parents, do you know what happened to them, and the planet?" Bloom asked. Hope building inside of her.

"One thing at the time little on. I thought you wanted to save your loved one first, no?" Marlos asked.

"Yes, of course, I'm sorry. Yes, that is what I want!" Bloom said, a little embarrass.

"Then I will send you to your roots little one, there is a library on Domino, the planet of your people. In the castle your parents once lived in, is a heaven of books, and there, you will find the information you seek." Marlos stated.

Bloom understood what she had to do. "How will I contact you if I need your help again gatekeeper?" Bloom asked with a little voice. She understood that if she wanted to go get back from the planet after finding what she was looking for, she would come to need his help again.

"I will give you a token, talk to it when you want to talk to me, and I will answer you," Marlos said. He then closed his eyes and started to rumble words of a forgotten language, the cave became white and Bloom suddenly stood in a palace covered in snow and ice.

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