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The Troubled Child by lateeda18

 Cartoons » Winx Club Rated: M, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, Diaspro, Sky, Words: 16k+, Favs: 9, Follows: 10, Published: Jan 15, 2009 Updated: Aug 23, 2011 26Chapter 2: Meeting Him

The summer sun lit up Diaspro's room and hit her shiny golden locks as she brushed her hair and watched herself in her mirror. She was not looking forward to today's events and was mad she had to spend her first day of summer vacation like this. Later that day she was to meet her future husband who she would marry in 2 years. She had met him a couple times before when they were children. Those times seemed to be happier times because all they would do together was play hide-and-seek in the gardens and other childish games. Now she knew it would be awkward between them because they both knew they were going to be married. Even though she knew that this all her life, as a child she saw an arranged marriage as a romantic fairy tale story and did not realize the reality of not being able to chose her true love.

"Are you ready dear?" Diaspro's mother said as she stood in the doorway.

"As ready as I will ever be. Do I really have to marry him mom? I don't even love him and I thought you should love someone to marry them." Diaspro said.

"You know the answer to that honey. And you will grow to love him. I did so with your father and your grandmother did so too with grandfather." Her mother replied.

"But it doesn't seem right that I don't have a choice. I should be able to determine who I love and who I don't." Diaspro said as she put her brush down and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

"You are only fifteen you cannot possibly know who you love and do not when it comes to boys."

"What's the rush on getting married? Can't I wait and find a prince I actually am interested in? Do I have to be married right at seventeen?"

"Come now, Sky is a wonderful boy. You two used to have so much fun when you were little." Her mother said as she walked into the room and stroked Diaspro's hair.

"Yeah that was before I realized what I was getting into."

"We need to go now. Their chariot is pulling up and they will be waiting for us."

They got up and walked down to the stairway that led to the main lobby where she would be formally introduced to sky.

"Are you ready sweetie?"

"Sure mom."

"Now introducing Princess Diaspro to Prince Sky of Eraklion!"

Diaspro walked down the stairs with her mother until she was passed onto her father's arm. From there she walked with her father to where Prince Sky was standing. He looked more handsome that she expected and had grown more muscle since the last time she saw him. He was sixteen and it was apparent that he was already training in Red Fountain.

"I give you my daughter to be married in two years time Prince Sky. May this marriage create a strong union between our two countries."

"Thank you sir."

Diaspro was then passed on to sky who gently took her hand and lightly kissed her hand. Her cheeks turned red as she felt butterflies in her stomach as the touch of his lips. She began to think that maybe this marriage would not be bad at all and that she could turn out loving him.

"We will leave you two alone for a while. Come, let us discuss plans for the wedding." Diaspro's father said as he motioned to Sky's parents to follow into a meeting room. This left the two royals in the room staring at each other and awkward silence filling the air.

"So, how have you been?" Diaspro said finally breaking the silence.

"Um..quite well. And what about yourself?" Sky asked with short breath.

"Decent. What are we supposed to be doing?"

"Mother said getting better acquainted."

"Oh did she?"


Diaspro looked down at her shoes and kicked at the edge of a tile as silence continued. She then realized that this would probably never work out as he was just too awkward and she was too against it.

"Do you go to school?" Sky finally asked after watching her play with the tile for what seemed like hours.

"Yeah I do at St. Alpahlbas. And you?"

"I go to Red Fountain. This year is my first year."

"Do you like it?"

"Soooo much! We get to do so many cool things and Alfea is right around the corner so there is always cute girls…" Sky said but began to trail off as he saw the frown in Diaspro's face.

"I wanted to go to Alfea since it's the most prestigious school for fairies in all of Magix. But my parents wanted me to live at home so I could learn proper etiquette and be under their own supervision."

"Oh I see. Well that's all good stuff to know. A proper queen must always know this." Sky said the last sentence sarcastically as he mimicked his mother. Diaspro laughed at this breaking more of the tension in the room.

"My mom always says that when this marriage stuff comes up."

"My parents are the same way about it. They feel it is so important but I find a lot of it old fashioned."

"Me too. I feel like we are just pieces of property to them, only to be sold off not actually children."

"I don't want my kids to have to do this stuff."

"Me either."

"Sky! We need to leave now! We will be back in a few days for dance lessons!"

"Yes Mother! Well I suppose I have to go now. I will see you soon!" Sky said. He bowed and kissed her hand once more, making her blush again.

In the chariot on the way back to his palace Sky kept thinking about how beautiful Diaspro had gotten with her gold curly hair that shined in the sunlight and her cute smile. He was starting to think he could be falling for her. At the same time in her own palace, Diaspro felt very optimistic about their future marriage and hoped that it would work out.

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