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The False Queen by Chibbiss

 Cartoons » Winx Club Rated: M, English, Romance & Mystery, Bloom, Sky, Diaspro, Words: 20k+, Favs: 20, Follows: 26, Published: Nov 10, 2016 Updated: Sep 2, 201715Chapter 10: My heaven

My safe heaven is within you.

The now sleeping future queen of Domino woke up in an unfamiliar bed, confused, she raised up, not knowing were she was nor what time it was. A vague memory came up in her mind, Marlos saying that he would be freeing Sky from his prison… Bloom's eyes was suddenly not tired any more, though she vaguely remembered something about a cold core, she now could only focus on the fact that Sky might be free at last. Right now she needed to see him. She looked around in the room were she at the moment were placed in. It was a big, blue open room, with the bed she was laying in, which for the record felt like lying in clouds and feathers, nothing else was there except a chair until her bed. She was going to move out of the bed when Marlos came trough the door.
"Dear Bloom, you should not be moving out of there, you have a few weeks of magic-free recovery to do now…" Marlos said to her. Bloom looked at him stubbornly.
"I want to see Sky!" Bloom said to him, sounding like a stubborn spoiled child. Feeling like one as well. But what could she do, she wanted to see Sky, nothing would get in her way. Marlos only looked at her.
"I do believe that it is the most stupid thing you could do to your self at the moment. If the queen of Eraklyon spots you and tried to kill you, you do not have the energy to defend yourself. It is to danguares." Marlos said.
"If it is the danger you are referring to, and fear, I will go there temporally, maybe an hour, and in a place were only Sky can know about." Bloom said, feeling smug and superior, proud that she manage to silence the grate geaet keeper.
"I really do feel that it is a stupid idea, but rather then that you sneak off and go there on your own, I will send you there. ONE hour Bloom, and not until you have gotten yourself something to eat." Marlos said, sounding like a father, rather then a friend. Bloom thought nothing of it. Marlos came later back that evening. Bloom had something she waned him to place on Sky's bed before being transported into a specific place.

Back on Eraklyon

"go to a safe place, a place where we can be alone"
The note that Sky had found was on his bed, together with lock of fire hair. He took up the fire hair, smelled it and then sat down in the bed. "It could be her again, playing with my heart, knowing that I miss Bloom more than anything else. Ever sense Brandon told me that she was missing, a black void has been eating me from the inside out. Because of me she is missing, maybe hurt! God I need her! I need to find her! I can't risk it not being her," he thought to himself, holding the hair to his heart. He folded the paper neatly and put it in his pocket. He took his hower board and swept through the window and towards the woods. There was a beautiful glade with a pond and thick wood surrounding it. The water was shining and gave the glade a daylight experience. This was a place he loved, knowing that no one would ever find him here. He had taken her here once, showing her his secret place, a way for him to fully give everything he had to her. Only they knew of this place, it was their little secret. He steps off the board and sat down with the water, still holding the hair in his hand.
At the water, she stood, in a blue light dress, it was simple, almost something that Sky thought could be mistaken for a nightgown. The wind gossiped on how the light fabric was expensive, a fitting garment for a goddess, Sky thought. She had her eyes locked at the water, some butterflies was flying around her.
"I do not have that huge amount of time, I am only here temporarily. I just had to see you, make sure that you knew…" Bloom said, trailing off. Her sobs hit Sky hard in the chest aria. He waned to go to her, kiss her, make her stop crying and tell her that everything would be alright. But then there was the thing she said. I just had to see you, make sure that you knew.. Knew what? Sky thought, that she couldn't be with him? Fear struck him and he was close to let a sub out himself.
"Know what?" Sky said, hitting himself for talking to her like an enemy. Diaspros torture still had its effect on him, not letting anyone close, being cold and distance.
"That I still love you." Bloom said, a strong voice, even though the tears left its mark on it, it was still the voice of a royalty.
Sky did not believe his ears. She waned him? After all that had happened. When did he become the luckiest basted alive? But no, he could not let her make this mistake, he was not the right person for her. She was the keeper of the dragon flame, the future queen of Domino, if it ever got restored. She deserved someone perfect like herself, not something broken like him he thought.
"How could I ever have the chance to get you back, after what I have done, after what she has done to me? I am filthy, dirty and broken. I have not only once shattered the promise I made to you, that I am only yours, but against my will, multiple times. I fear the results." Sky was kneeling on the ground, facing Bloom with tears in his eyes. Bloom did not move, not knowing what to do or to say. She did not realize before this, that Diaspros' torture had extended to such a deep level, to sexually assault him in order to get what she wanted. A child would, of course, seal her marriage to Sky and guarantee her the throne. AS the laws of Eraklyon stated clearly. A royal couple wall stay if a child exist between them. An old law that Sky once had told her, still was active.
Bloom also saw the scars and the tormented opened wounds in his soul. He had, when the subject of sex had been brought up in their relationship, been very remorseful for giving himself willingly to Diaspro when they were young. He had been begging her for mercy and after he told her about his kingdoms rules for marriage and sexual contact, afraid that she would leave him when she finally knew. She had understood how bad the situation actually was from his standpoint. She had tried to explain to him that what he had done did not matter to her, that she was willing to forgive him as long as he was hers from now on – something he absolutely agreed on, thanking her for days for giving him a chance.
They had always been close, but he had always kept his hands in a respectful manner, Bloom suspected it was because his fear of her disliking him not being a virgin. He had clearly stated that she was the one that he wanted as his queen. She had time and time again tried to push him to do something he really wanted. One night she had surprised him with luring him to a place in the woods. When he had gotten there, she had been standing in a sea of flowers naked. His lust for her had brought him to practically attack her. They made love in the flowers, his respectful manner never really leaving him. He did not fully look at her naked form and he did not do anything she did not tell him to do. She knew that he wanted so much more, but he feared that he would displease her. Diaspro's mark never left him. And in the end, they only made love once. She tried to push him again, that's when he had asked her to marry him. To forever be his and he would for ever be hers. They did then decide to wait until after they was married, following the law of royalty.
"I am yours Sky, and I do NOT want anyone else then you, I am ready to fight for you!" Bloom finally said. Making Sky fall down with his hands and head to the ground. His position was fully submissive. Bloom refused to let him torture himself this way. She stepped closer but he started to murmur something.
"I truly do not deserve you, already from the beginning, you were way too good for me, so pure. I should have stayed with Diaspro, she is the type of person I do deserve, pour evil. I have gotten my wish fulfilled, she is my wife, my own personal hell."
Bloom could hear his sobbing increase. She decides to try something she knew had worked before.
Sky heard some fabric hit the forest floor, and slowly looked up towards the goddess with fire hair. Her naked form hit him, his mind went blank for a second and he didn't know what to do. His body responded in one way and his mind in another. His memory slowly came back to the most wonderful day of his life, a scene that had passed his eyes when Diaspro tortured him, a way to forget. His eyes burned again with heavy tears when he realized what she did for him. But he was not worthy of her giving him pleasure. His eyes locked with hers. His tears fell and she started to walk closer to him. He wanted to close his eyes, not look at forbidden places, but his mind was to weak. He tried to keep his eyes in hers, but another part of him wanted so desperately to look at her, to take everything in. She was only a few meters away from him now. His body started to shake. He finally lost his battle and let go, his eyes wondered down, staying at her breast then slower, further down. His eyes finally landed at her feet. His body twitching in places that made the desperate man happy.
He started to crawl on all for to her, his gaze still on her feet. She stopped when he got to her, his mouth kissing her foot in a tender begging way.
"Sky, please?" Bloom whispered, wanting him to face her as an equal. But he misunderstood her call, believing that she wanted something else entirely. Something he was more the happy to provide her with. He started to kiss her ankles, moving slowly outwards her centre. His hands touched were the kisses had left her skin hot, feather touches that barely touched her skin, sending chills all over her body. Finally, his journey up had gotten him where he wanted to be.
"S-Sky, what are you do..oh..OH" Bloom grabbed his hair. "Y-You d-don't need t-to do thi-is sweet-e," Bloom said with a shaky voice, her pleasure spiking faster than what she could control.
But she was wrong, he felt that he owned her so much, for her love and kindness, for her forgiveness. This was his pathetic way to give something back to her. Her moans increased and the married man suddenly got very taken back, his lower abdomen knotted itself, sending flashed of pleasure waves throughout his body. When her orgasm finally reached, she fell down, still week from her energy drain. Sky was alert enough to catch her in her fall, and she landed in his lap. Her heavy eyes was faced with his. They drowned in each other, loosing track on the time.
Bloom felt his member, swollen and pulsing, underneath her. She attacked his lips. A second passed for the confused king, but then he responded with equally as much force. Bloom started to pull in his skirt, unbuttoning it. Sky more was more than happy to help her, even thou he saw himself as more then less worthy, he waned her happy, more that anything else. He removed his belt with one hand and pulled his pants and boxers downs enough so that his member could stand salute for his goddess. Before he could react, still violently making out with Bloom, she slid him inside of her, making Sky cry out in pleasure. Never had he felt such pleasure, his body responding to her, twitching and knotting. This was truly love, it felt nice, romantic and safe. He felt safe with her. He knew it was on his term, if he waned it to stop, she would, if he waned her to move away from him or take it slower, she would. She proceeds to start to move but he stopped her.
"Please, tell me that this is what you want! Tell me I'm enough for you!" Sky whispered, his voice cracking of sadness. Wanting her to tell him in the open that she still loved him. He asked for so much when he asked her to forgive his involvement with another partner. Now though, he knew that he was braking a more secured rule, he was having sexual contact outside his own marriage, but for him, the marriage was false, a curse.
Bloom put her hand over his hard and said in a calm tone, "You are everything I want, you are pure and perfect! He released a hard shaky breath and started to move inside of her.
"Ah….Ah….ah..forgive me B-Bloom! I love you!" His orgasm was already ready, but he forced it aside, wanting her to have as much of him as she wanted. She kissed his neck and slightly bit down on his ear, "Ah..please, w-won't make i-it…" he said, louder this time. "It's okay then, you can let go," she answered calmly. His hands grabbed her harder, he buried his head under her head, his moans and panting got louder and he quickened the pace. When he broke down, he looked up to her and ranted "I love you, I love you, I love you" over and over again in a low voice.
They sat there, beside the water rocking back and forth, enjoying each other's company, each other's skin against skin. Bloom suddenly started to shine, she understood that her time was about to end. She looked at Sky who had understood as well. He held her tight for a second, the hurried to help her get her dress on, and in the last second, he gave her a romantic kiss.
"I will be back as soon as I can Sky! Bloom said, holding on to his arms.
"I know you will, you gave me the best moment in my life twice, I have so much to give back. I will be waiting for you. As soon as Diaspro will be gone, out of our lives, I will have you by my side, as it is supposed to be, I understand that now. I might not be worthy you. But if it is me you want, I will fight being perfect for you." He said, while putting his forehead to hers. Bloom eyes shine with happy tears and she hugged him so hard she could until she was gone. Marlos had brought her back to Domino. An hour after she arrived.

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