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A different way Diaspro met Bloom by FunahoMisaki

 Cartoons » Winx Club Rated: M, English, Bloom, Sky, Griffin, Diaspro, Words: 3k+, Favs: 448, Follows: 390, Published: Jun 11, 2017 Updated: Feb 12, 201875Chapter 3

Winx Season 1 AU

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

"Ms. Diaspro what are you doing here?" Griselda asked feeling a twinge of apprehension as the princess of Isis and her bodyguard, a girl no older than the princess herself but was a master with a sword apparently, showed up the next morning at Alfea's gates.

"I promised the brute and her friends we'd get together soon." Diaspro said smirking slightly as Selina and Eldora appeared a little ways behind her, matching grins on their faces.

"I heard that bitch!" Bloom could be heard shouting from what sounded like halfway across the school causing more than one person to look surprised, including Diaspro and Griselda while Eldora snickered and Selina laughed.

"And she apparently has some very sharp ears." The bodyguard said sounding amused as she looked in the direction the shout was coming from.

"Ears of a fucking dragon!" Bloom shouted and earning no less than three loud 'language!' reprimands from three different sources. Faragonda, DuFour, and Palladium by the sounds of it. Eldora just sighed slightly and rolled her eyes heavenward.

"You stole that from that cartoon with the dragon in it!" Selina yelled back to Bloom who let out a laugh as she appeared on one of the balconies…near the senior dorms if Griselda recalled correctly.

"Get the heck out of my room!" A girl could be yelling at Bloom who snorted and grinned widely. Jumping over the balcony ledge, everyone except for a few yelled in alarm as the red head free fell three stories.

"You're going to re-break your leg that way brat!" Eldora yelled at Bloom with a tick mark over her eye at the casual way the girl landed and sauntered over to them, not minding the minor crater she left in the ground much to everyone elses shock.

"Eh it's fine grandma. Chill out some." Bloom said grinning lazily as she put her arms behind her head and sauntered over.

"I'm the fairy of legends not the fairy of ice or snow." Eldora shot back making Bloom grin at her wider.

"And I'm the fairy of Fire. I burn people. There's some Cloud Tower girl with Ice powers though. You can have her help you cool off." Bloom returned easily.

"Bloom you're a dragon fairy not a fire fairy." Selina corrected rolling her eyes while everyone blinked before their eyes widened. A dragon fairy?!

"Eh Fire comes with the territory then doesn't it?" Bloom asked shrugging her shoulders as she sauntered over casually and stopped a few feet away from them.

"Since you can breath fire then yes I suppose it does." Eldora said after thinking about it for a moment making Selina snicker at the looks of horror on most nearby fairies faces.

"I'm still waiting for the day where you learn how to fully shift into a dragon. The looks on everyone's faces…" Selina said trailing off and making everyone pale except for Bloom who shrugged a bit.

Her next words had more than a few already pale fairies go even paler.

"I'm getting better at it at least. I can half shift and cover my body in scales now."

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