Giant Darkiplier x Maddy

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OC and story request belongs to AllisonPowerKitsune

Darkiplier was worried for his little girlfriend Maddy. She'd been missing for hours and hasn't answer any of his calls. Dad rushed to her home and shrunk down, something he rarely did seeing as in Dreamverse if someone caught him at this size, he would mostly likely get captured. He burst in and found no one home but the place was a complete mess. Thing were broken and there was blood on the floor. Dark saw a note sitting on a black wooden box and frowned and snatched it off the floor and read it. It said this:

Ello Darkimoo!

Wonderin' where your little itty bitty Maddy has gone?
Easy fix! She's back with her loving father
Sadly, Pennywise doesn't want her to see you anymore,
So he took care of that little problem~

Come and get her back if you dare

Dariplier growled angrily and opened the box in rage. To his utter shock and horror, Maddy's eyes were in the little black box, sitting in a puddle of still warm blood. Dark grew worried and instantly teleported where Anti and Pennywise may be. Maddy meanwhile, was in pure pain. Her eyes were gone and she could still "see" but not like normal. Everything was mostly black and white, with barely any color hints. It was like a sixth sense. Maddy screamed and struggled in her father grip as Anti smirked, feeling Dark nearby.

"I guess he's here," he sneered, and gave the girl in Pennywise's hand a harsh poke and let Pennywise continue his torment of his daughter. Dark stormed inside the place and looked at the other two giants.

"Give me back my girlfriend!" He snapped and Pennywise laughed and threw his daughter at him.

"Have her. I got what I wanted anyway," he sneered and he and Anti vanished as Dark caught her. Dark ran out with Maddy in his hands and once at a safe distance, he set her down and shrank down to her level.

"Darling.. are you okay?" He asked holding her on his lap as she cried tears mingled with blood. Maddy shook her head and caught Dark's hand before he touched her face.

"D-dont, please.. its bad," she choked out. Dark frowned and hugged her.

"Love, I know your dad took your eyes away.. he left them in a box for me to find," he whispered gently. Maddy froze and cried harder, clenching his shirt and trembling.

"I get I-if you don't want me anymore," she sobbed. Dark frowned and pushed her hair out of her face, looking into the black holes where her eyes once were. He took his red tie and tied it around her eyes and head to stop the bleeding.

"Itty Bitty. Understand this; I love you, and I don't care about how you look. You're beautiful inside and out, and if you believe I'll leave you because of something that's not your fault, you're dead wrong," he said seriously and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. Maddy hiccuped and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Dark," she whispered, calming down some. Dark smiled and grew to his giant size. He held her to his chest and started to Dreamverse city.

"Come on, let's get your eyes cleaned up," he said softly and started to the city. Maddy smiled and yawned, curling up against his chest and slowly fell asleep, listening to his heartbeat. Dark smiled and stroked her hair with a thumb and hummed in content. He got his Itty Bitty back and no one was going to touch her again.

The End!

I hope this fits with the storyline Ally! Sorry it's so short 😭

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