Acree x Jack TFP

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Request from @KatelynHammaker Enjoy!

Arcee and Jack were on a scouting mission for energon up in the Rocky's of the USA. Ratchet had snagged a faint signal from there and since everyone else was on scouting missions themselves, he drafted them to go check it out. So far the two had come across nothing but a very weirdly shaped rock. Whatever signal they were tracking was gone. Jack sighed when he realized this.

"Welp, it looks like another fluke Arcee," Jack said as Arcee came to a stop on the rocky road trail. They were high up in the mountains and the view was amazing. Jack smiled and pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of the setting sun. Arcee watched the sun slowly disappear into the horizon. If there's one thing about the earth that never gets old, it was its sunsets. It was then Arcee noticed that dark clouds were rolling in and she transformed back into a motorcycle.

"Climb on Jack, we better get back to base. Ratchet come in..."


"Nothing, the minerals around here must be scrambling with my commlink," Arcee muttered as Jack claimed on. Acree slowly drove her way down the mountain when the storm hit them; unforgiving torrential rains and fast-moving winds almost knocking them off the mountain. Jack yelped as he was almost blown off Arcee. She spotted a large enough cave a few yards away and sped towards it. They turned into the cave as the storm took a turn for the worse.

"Scrap," both Acree and Jack muttered at the same time. Jack took of his helmet; the young 16-year-old was completely soaked from just being out in that weather for a few seconds. Arcee knelt beside him and turned on her lights. The cave was dark and the oncoming night made it darker. Jack groaned and wrung out his shirt as best as he could.

"I should probably make a fire, but," Jack looked around, seeing nothing but rocks. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wet survival knife; the flint and steel now completely useless. "Yeah, it's not happening." The two could do nothing but wait now, seeing as they had no way of calling anyone and that it was too dangerous to travel back down the mountain. They sat beside each other against the smooth cave walls, watching the rain from a safe distance. The temperature in the air began to drop and Jack started to shiver, his wet clothes not helping with his heat insulation. Arcee looked worriedly at her human partner, knowing well that hyperthermia could pose a threat to Jack.

"Jack?" Arcee asked, putting a hand on his back. Jack leaned into her hand a little, absorbing the warmth it offered.

"Its fine A-Arcee, don't worry," Jack said through chattering teeth. Arcee watch as his face paled and he began to shiver even more.

"You're not fine Jack Darby. You're about to go into hyperthermic shock," Arcee replied sternly, worry in her stern tone. Arcee then had an idea, although she did wonder if it was the best one considering she was a smaller bot and this might prove a difficult task. No. It doesn't matter, what matters now is getting Jack warm. Arcee slid a hand under Jack and brought him up to her face.

"Jack, I need you to listen to me," Arcee began, gently lifting Jack's chin up so she could look him in the eyes. "What I'm about to do will keep you warm and it won't hurt you, but I need you to trust me." Jack's brown eyes met Arcee's bright blue ones. Jack nodded, desperate for warmth.

"O-okay Arc-cee, I t-trust you," Jack whispered. Arcee sighed and took a deep breath. She brought Jack close to her mouth and gently wrapped her hands around his legs and chest, pinning his arms to his side. Jack was confused and half asleep. Acree tiled her head back and with the utmost care, lowered Jack's head and shoulders into her open mouth. Jack felt relief when heat hit his fridged body, but when he saw what was happening to him, he began to weakly struggle.

"Arcee, wh-what are you-umpf!" Arcee quickly but gently swallowed Jack's entire upper body; it leaving a sizeable bulge in her throat. She quickly slid the rest of Jack into her mouth, swallowing multiple times to get him down. When Jack was fully in her fuel tank, it made Arcee look like she was halfway along in pregnancy. She sighed with relief, glad that was over. Jack, on the other hand, was silently freaking out. Did his partner seriously just EAT him?! The fuel tank was small and coated in blue saliva and the saliva covered Jack as well. He had to partly tuck his legs into his chest because of how tight it was. He tried to push the fuel tank walls out a bit, making Arcee flinch.

"Jack, stop, it's okay," Arcee said reassuringly, starting to softly stroke her slightly swollen belly.

"Wh-what did you do?" Jack asked in a worried tone. The first thing he did notice was how warm and comfortable it was, but that still didn't change the fact that he was inside a Cybertronian's stomach. He reluctantly leaned into the strokes Arcee was making.

"I had to keep you warm Jack. I can't lose another partner, and don't worry, we can't digest organics," Arcee whispered. Jack sighed understandingly. True he wasn't fond of this arrangement, but it was much better than freezing to death. Jack relaxed completely, curling into the warm fuel tank walls and the comforting strokes his partner offered.

"Thanks, Arcee, I really appreciate this," Jack smiled, his eyelids growing heavy. Arcee smiled in response.

"Don't tell your mother," she replied. Jack chuckled and yawned, allowing sleep to clam him as its own. As the storm continued to beat down on the mountains, the two both settled down for much-needed rest, each silently thanking God and Primus for bringing them together.

The end!
Crap, I feel like this was such a cheesy ending... I just want to clarify I'm not an Arcee x Jack shipper, mostly because, no, I hate that ship. Bringing them together was as in a life-lasting friendship...

What is friendship speaking of which?...

Meh! GoOdEnOuGh! I HoPeYoUeNjOyEd!

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