Naga Anti x child human

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For mostly Gracie_is_everything and no one, in particular, 🤣 I'm using one of my sisters in this as well :3

9-year-old Liz woke up in the middle of the night. She brushed her long blonde hair out of her face and sat up. She could hear strange sounds, like someone scraping a chalkboard. She tried to ignore it but it just got worse. She usually sleeps like a rock but this was too much. Her other two sisters she shared a room with didn't startle or move; they both were still sleeping like nothing was going on.

"I knew I should've gone to bed earlier," Liz muttered turning on their lamp, blinking her blueish grey eyes rapidly to adjust to the sudden light. Liz's family lived near a vast forest so wildlife was pretty common, and the fact that the nearest house was a mile away meant they got more visits from wolves then their neighbors did. Liz straightened her PJs and peeked up the bedroom window. Liz lived in a small two-story and their window viewed the massive backyard, which housed a few strong trees. The odd thing was that one of the trees was... glowing? A neon green glow terminated from that tree and it was more annoying to Liz then strange. Grumbling, she grabbed her flashlight and went downstairs and outback, standing by the door and safely on the porch. Her mood was foul now, because not only she was wakened by some strange noise, but now because of a weird glow.

"I'm in no freakin' mood for this," Liz grumbled. The leaves in the tree rustled and a deep, glitchy chuckle reached their ears. But Liz was too tired to care.

"If you don't get out of my tree right now, I'm calling the bois in blue! And my dad!" Liz yelled, stomping her tired foot. The leaves rustled more and a fanged smile poked through the leaves. Liz froze when she saw them, fear gluing her to the spot and making her tan skin crawl. The fangs were attached to a huge face, one that was twice her size. More of the creature showed and Liz soon saw that the thing wasn't in just that one tree but all of them, coiled around them. The creature slithered out of the trees and onto the ground. Liz's eyes widen when she recognized the familiar face of Antisepticeye, but to say she was slightly relieved was wrong. He was HUGE! And he wore a solid black shirt and had a glowing green snake tail. Liz then remembered one of her sisters telling her stories about snake people called nagas. Anti was a giant naga! He slithered quickly over to the porch and loomed above Liz, a mean smirk bearing his fangs.

"Your tree lass? I believe I was there first," Anti smirked, pushing the terrified Liz to the ground with just a finger. Liz scrambled backward and bumped into the wall of the house, on the brink of crying. Anti laughed at the little girl's reaction. Liz nodded her head.

"Th-this is my home and that's m-my family's trees," Liz whimpered, "The trees are in our backyard." Anti reached out and grabbed the girl before she could register it. She began to cry loudly as he wrapped his tail around and leaned back into it. He held her above his face and shook her a bit.

"Shut up kid," Anti snapped. Liz quickly stifled her crying, but a few hiccups still escaped her. Anti brought her closer to his face, studying her.

"Now, what to do to ya?" Anti muttered. Liz looked back at her house; even though she was still in the backyard, the house seemed miles away. She looked back at Anti, whose forked tongue flicked in and out of his mouth thoughtfully.

"Y-You could let me go back t-to bed?" Liz asked, hiccups still clear. Before Anti could snap at the little girl again, the lights in the house began to turn on and a little boy appeared in the upstairs window. The boy began screaming and more kids rushed to the window, not believing their sister was in the hands of a monster. Liz began to scream for help, kicking her legs like crazy since her arms were pinned to her sides. Anti, even through all the screaming and panic coming from the house, heard the clicking sound of a gun being loaded and knew that was his queue to leave. But he also didn't want the family to chase after him because of Liz, so he did the first thing that came into his head. He is a snake after all.

Liz watched as Anti opened his maw and she was harshly shoved inside. The humid, dark, and slimy environment was scary and she began to scream and fight again. The long tongue made that impossible; it kept curling around her and slobbering her with buckets of thick saliva. Anti finally had enough of her and swallowed hard, sending her into his stomach. Liz's family watched horrified as the giant snake man ate their sister. Dad came outside with his gun and began to shoot at Anti as he quickly slithered away, the bullets having no effect on him. Dad ran after them but quickly lost them in the dense forest. He returned to his family with the news that he lost them and everyone broke down crying, mourning the death of their little sister.

Or so they thought she was dead.

Liz landed in Anti's stomach a few seconds after she was swallowed. She couldn't see anything but could hear and feel everything. She heard rapid heart beating and breathing. She felt rippling wet stomach walls and was half-submerged in what she thought was stomach acid. Liz began to cry again and banged on the walls.

"LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!!" she sobbed. Anti stopped for a second to see the kid banging against his stomach. He rolled his eyes and poked her, sending Liz falling back into the warm liquid.

"Knock it off, kid, before you do something you'll regret," Anti warned her. Liz broke down into tears again and sat in defeat. Anti heard her crying and mentally slapped himself. He just kidnapped a child and now from what he heard and demonstrated her family thinks she's dead. Anti kept making his way home, Liz had cried herself to sleep and he couldn't blame her, it had been a long night. He made it back to his cave, which was small on the outside, but massive on the inside. A giant tree gree in the middle of it and it gave a special fruit that tasted like apples, strawberries, and bananas all rolled into one bright purple spherical fruit. Anti sighed as he made it back home. He wouldn't take Liz out yet, not until Dark was home at least. Anti wrapped his coils around himself and yawned, ready for some much-needed sleep. He felt Liz squirming a bit but shrugged it off as he fell into a deep sleep. For some reason, he wondered if he should keep the kid. She couldn't go home, was still young, and Dark, who was also a naga, sometimes wasn't the best company the universe could offer. Who knows? Maybe this kid could bring something the both needed desperately in their lives; to be loved.

Done, 'cause Im lazy XD

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