Mine! (Jeff the Killer x Tiny Reader)

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Be warned! This will contain fearplay, mouthplay, possessive/protectiveness, and vore. Yeah, this is gonna be insane...

Rip Katie the Ink Slinger T-T...

For @CreepyLolita

Y/n's POV (btw you're 15 years old in this story)

I was running and I didn't want to know from who. The dark man with red eyes had shot me and even though I didn't feel any blood, I felt pain and dizziness. I kept running, my backpack bouncing on my back. Everything was getting bigger and was moving slower. The man caught up with me and grabbed me. Now I was 2 inches tall and the man's red eyes smiled evilly at me. He laughed and opened his mouth and-

I snap awake, cold sweat dripping down my forehead. I feel around for the fake toy candle and turn it on. I pull my legs to my chest and sigh.

"That damn memory again," I mutter. I had that nightmare before, it was nothing more than an exaggeration of a horrible memory of what had happened to me. About a year ago, I was walking down a sidewalk to my friend's house for a sleepover, when a man in dark clothes approached me. Before I could even blink he shot me and dragged me into the woods. I kicked and screamed and he let me go, and I began to run. As I ran I had begun to shrink. I don't know how long I ran for even after I established the fact I was only two inches tall. I came across a mansion and found an outside vent close to the ground and went inside before anyone saw me. I moved through the metal tunnels and found a hole covered with thick black fabric. Not far away from the hole inside the vent shaft was a vent that was above the kitchen. Before exploring the vents more, I peeked behind the curtain to see a small room. I saw four white socks folded into a bed, a piece of glass from a mirror, a small toy chest filled with hand-made clothes and tools. It didn't take me long to figure out that this mansion I was in had a borrower. I've read about them, but only in fantasy books. I heard a scream coming from the kitchen vent and quickly ran to it. I got on my stomach and peeked down.

A man with long black hair and a white hoodie had the borrower pinned to a wooden cutting board with a knife. The knife pierced the borrower's arm and he was screaming for mercy. The white hooded man just laughed and removed the knife, only to grabbed him by the injured arm, eat and swallow the poor man whole. I remember feeling deathly sick after watching that happen. I stayed in the room for days; eating and drinking whatever food and water in my backpack and what's in the borrower's room. I soon found out that he was the only borrower who lived in the mansion. I remember sighing and realizing I would have to teach myself to survive until I went home.

I snap back to the present time, shaking my h/l h/c hair out of my face. I decided to get dressed and start the day, even though I had no idea what time it was. I pulled on my dark jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. Yes, my clothes from the day I shrank still fit me. I grab my hairbrush and push my hair back and leave it down/put it in a ponytail. I pull on my grey tennis shoes and grab a small brown bag. I leave my room and walk to the kitchen vent. I stick my head down and see the oven clock: 4:30 in the morning. Heh, the Slenderman would be up in thirty minutes. I learned in the first month here that this was the Creepypasta mansion. I learned about it from a friend and she insisted I'd learn about the killers. I only learned about them to make her happy, but now that I'm like this, I'm extremely grateful she forced me to learn.

"She'd probably kill to be in my spot," I thought. I lower my rope and slide down, landing on the counter. Some cornflakes were on the counter so I grabbed 4 of those and stuffed them into my bag. I grabbed my rope and began to climb it. Climbing up is way harder, so it took me about ten minutes to get back in the vent and another five minutes to bring my rope up. Glad I finished when Slender walked in! He 'looked' at the counter where I had taken cornflakes and nodded.

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