Keep Away the Fears - Transformers

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I recently discovered something about Cybertronians. They have stomachs obviously, but these stomachs can only digest metals and energon. How I discovered this? Let me just say, "Thanks scrapheap..." to Starscream, the ex-Decepticon for giving me this idea. (I saw a comic about this...)

This little short story is based on my best book, My Car's an Autobot and is not canon. If you haven't read it, please do so =)

(Big metal nom warning, Primus help me!)
P.S. I had this story for a long time now I just was really hesitant about posting it because it just seemed awkward to me. Again please don't hate...

P.P.S. It took me ages to figure out that transformers interacting with humans is basically the same as giants interacting with humans. I'm stupid... 😑

Contains safe, semi-willing v*re

Jazz sat in his berthroom, with his human partner Mackie sitting cross-legged on his shoulder. On the wall, Jazz had started to project the IT movie, much to Mackie's displeasure.

"I don't like scary movies Jazz," the 17-year-old long haired brunette grumbled into the pillow she held. Jazz laughed and began to play the movie, but Mackie tried to slide off his shoulder to leave the room. Jazz smirked and scooped up Mackie and held her on his lap.

"Ya ain't going nowhere Short-stuff~ it's mah turn for movie night and I say we watch dis lovely little film. Besides, ya made me sit through Godzilla 2019," Jazz stated.

"Because that movie was cool! Unlike you!" Mackie snapped back, frowning into the pillow. Jazz rolled his optics that were very well hidden behind his baby blue visor as the two settled in for a horrifying movie.

(2 and a half hours later)

When the movie ended, Jazz looked down at Mackie. Partway through the movie, she had moved into his hand. She had refused to let go of her pillow and flinched a lot during the movie. Lifting her up to his face, he held in a laugh; her green eyes were wide with fear.

"Ya okay there, Short-stuff?" He chuckled. Mackie growled and threw her pillow into his face. Jazz picked the pillow off the metal floor and moved onto his berth (bed) and sat down. Mackie had her back turned to Jazz and had her legs and arms crossed. Jazz poked her back and she responded by swatting at his huge metal finger. Then Jazz got a mean idea. He activated his holoform, but instead of using his normal one, he made it Pennywise the Dancing Clown. The holoform appeared behind Mackie. Jazz made it tap her shoulder and she turned around.

"Hiya, Mackie~," the clown smiled. Mackie screamed angrily, she jumped up and kicked the holoform right where the sun don't shine and the holoform vanished with an explosion of blue particles and Jazz laughed.

"Gotcha!" He grinned.

"W-wipe stupid ass grin of your big stupid face!" Mackie shouted, trembling a little. She collapsed onto his hand and started to shake. Jazz started to worry.

"The movie wasn't that scary, was it?" He asked, stroking her long hair. Mackie shook her head.

"Its what bad memories the movie reminded me of. I was almost killed less than a week ago, and I still have stitches, bruises, and burns from Megatron. The pain and fear... I hated it," she whispered. Jazz sighed and held her to his chest. Mackie didn't cry, but a few tears fell. The two stayed like this for a little while, until Mackie laughed softly.

"I won't be sleeping for a while," she smiled, wiping her eyes. It was at that moment that Jazz's stomach went off with metallic grumbles. Mackie rolled her eyes and looked up at Jazz.

"Seriously?" she muttered. Jazz smiled a bit and was about to get energon when he remembered something. He held Mackie up to his face again.

"Ratchet's been teaching ya about Cybertronian anatomy right?" Jazz asked.

"Yeah. Aside from being massive metal titians, you guys don't differ from humans much," Mackie replied, wondering why Jazz asked her this.

"Yup, nervous systems, blood circulation, and digestive system. Except we don't have to breathe or use the bathroom. Our stomachs only intake metals and energon." Jazz said, rubbing the back of his neck. He held Mackie around her waist and lifted her up higher. Mackie was beginning to get a bad feeling about this.

"Why ask me this?" She asked, looking down into Jazz's face. He lifted up his visor so Mackie could see his optics. Mackie tensed a bit; Jazz rarely took off his visor. His soft blue, almost white, optics shone with sincerity and a tad bit of hunger.

"You trust me, Mack?" He asked.

"With my life," Mackie replied strongly. Jazz nodded and began too slowly lower her down. But when he opened his denta (mouth) a bit, Mackie began to freak out.

"WAITWAITWAIT!!! What the hell do you think you're doing?!?" Mackie shouted. Jazz stopped and looked at her.

"Ah promise I wouldn't do this if I knew there was even the smallest chance you'd get hurt. Like I said, our stomachs only intake metals and energon. You would be fine. Besides-" Jazz stomach finished off the sentence for him. Mackie looked at the bot who had saved her life many times in the few short months they knew each other. She knew him well enough to know that he would never put her in harm's way. Taking a deep breath and trying to relax a bit, Mackie nodded her head.

"I trust you."

(Nom warning)

Jazz smiled and slowly lowered Mackie into his open maw. Mackie's legs went in first. Jazz carefully closed his mouth around Mackie's waist. Her eyes were wide, but she forced herself to be calm and relax a little. Her jeans and bare feet were soaked completely with whatever-you-call-Cybertronian-saliva. Carefully, Jazz swallowed her legs, causing her upper half to get sucked into his very well lit mouth. Mackie looked around Jazz's mouth; Soft silver, yet slimy, squishy metallic flesh surrounded her as well as circles that glowed blue with energon that lit up the place.

Jazz's metallic tongue made it's way carefully around her body, soaking her and her clothes completely. Mackie listened to Jazz as he hummed a bit.

"I better not taste good!" Mackie snapped as his tongue playfully poked her side. She pushed his tongue away, but that only resulted in her getting poked again. Jazz chuckled and tilted his head back and swallowed, pulling Mackie down his throat. Mackie felt like her entire body was in a massive, but a gentle hug. It was still well lit, just not as bright as Jazz's mouth. She squirmed instinctively as she was sucked farther in Jazz's throat, listening to the deafening but calm sound of his spark. A minute later, she felt her feet enter an open space. Soon, her legs and the rest of her body followed. A second later, she plopped down into his stomach. Again, dimly lit, but also silver twisted tubes gave the whole thing a more stomach appearance. In other words, robo-guts. Mackie let out a long exhale, not realizing she was holding her breath. Jazz laid down on his berth and rested his hand just above his stomach. He had to hold in a laugh as he felt Mackie move around in his guts.

"Ya okay in there, Short-stuff?" Jazz asked.

"This is beyond weird! I'm soaked and... And... it's warm and oddly not all that bad, I hate to admit. But this is NOT becoming a habit!" Mackie snapped, poking the surprisingly soft, squishy metallic wall. Jazz laughed at this action as Mackie leaned back into the walls.

"No promises Mack," Jazz grinned, "Besides, ya want to know what you taste like?"

"No!" Mackie shouted.

"You taste better than high-grade!" Jazz laughed, causing Mackie to bounce around. Jazz yawned and got himself more comfortable.

"See ya in the morning Short-stuff," Jazz said, drifting off to sleep. Mackie just sat for a second, watching the lights dim until it was faintly lit and listening to the sound of Jazz's spark. It was soothing and she felt safe, and tired. She settled back and crossed her arms, but just before she went to sleep a question crossed her mind.

"How the hell is he getting me out of here?!"

I'm kinda embarrassed 🙈

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