Giant Markiplier x Allison

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For AllisonPowerKitsune

It had been a very interesting summer for the Dream Crew. Allison and Katie had visited many different universes saving them from destruction, their egos had many adventures, Allison became the Kitsune Butterfly Empress of Dreams and overall, sh*t had been crazy these last few months. Allison was finally back home in Dreamverse, enjoying what calm and peace the forests of her world had to offer. Her egos were a little upset with her running off earlier in the year but that was all past and now she could finally have some alone time without worrying about saving the multiverse. Allison gently swished her orange kitsune tail around in a happy motion, smiling to herself. Her bright blue and pink hair shined in the evening sunset's light and her soft brown eyes were filled with calmness. But the peace of the forest was slowly becoming more and more disturbed the more she walked towards the hills. The birds and wild pokemon have gone silent as if they feared whatever's presence was uprooting the peace of the forest. The young 13-year-old Empress grew slightly annoyed at this; she'd barely been home a week and already something was stirring up trouble. She walked faster, determined to find the source of the disturbance when she burst through the trees into a massive field in the forest.

If it could be called a field. The earth was freshly turned over and tree roots could be seen, snapped clean from their flora. All in all, it looked like a giant bulldozer had hit the area. Allison carefully walked across the field, trying to find signs of what might have done this. It couldn't have been Anti, Zalgo, Pennywise, or Error Sans; they were all gone, vanished to an unknown part of Dreamverse that held them captive. It could've been Jeff, but Foxachu has been keeping him on a tight leash lately so that option flew out the window. Maybe Darkiplier? No, Maddy wouldn't let him do this! Katie and her egos were back in their home, Lightverse so they had nothing to do with this. That's when the ground began to violently shake, sending Allison into a small state of panic. She spread her butterfly wings and flew some good couple of feet of the ground to prevent herself from falling over. She yelped when her wings were suddenly pinched together and she was lifted high into the air and brought face to face with the giant Markiplier.

"Mark! What are you doing?! You're hurting my wings!" Allison cried, trying to not move much and thinking this was a prank. She looked at Mark's face and noticed something very wrong. Mark's usually playful smile was replaced with a cruel all-to-familiar smirk and his soft brown eyes were a toxic neon green. Allison gasped, then growled, now knowing what was happening.

"Anti," she sneered. An echoed, glitchy laugh erupted from Mark as Antisepticeye appeared. He was human-sized and sat on Mark's shoulder. But there was a problem with him; he was a glitchy misty ghost. Allison quickly realized that Anti himself wasn't really here, but his "spirit" was and Anti was controlling Markiplier like a puppet.

"You truly amuse me, Ally~ Thinking you could simply lock us away like that. Physically, we're trapped, but mentally... I could've possessed Katie and had her kill you, or even better, Hellen. A creation who kills her creator would make a great story," Anti smirked, having Mark jab the girl's side with a finger. Allison was hardly two inches compared to Mark, and him being a predator possessed by someone who wants her dead meant this could end badly for her. Mark's stomach growled and Anti smirked. He brought Allison close to Mark's face and she glared at him from Mark's grip. 

"It seems like my puppet is hungry. Would you do me the courtesy of satisfying his hunger, my little butterfly?" Anti sneered, flying up by Allison. She growled and tried to turn into a kitsune, hoping that maybe she could break Anti's hold on Mark, but nothing happened. Anti chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Nice try kiddo, but your little tricks won't be working for a while."

"Let me and Mark go!" Allison snapped, kicking at Anti. Her feet passed harmlessly through him and Anti clicked his tongue, smirk ever-present.

"Naughty little butterfly, I believe you need to be taught a lesson," he chuckled. He went back to Mark's shoulder and controlled Mark again. Allison kicked and thrashed around, ignoring the pain in her wings as she was forced into Mark's mouth. Fear took over her as Mark rolled her around, licking and sucking on her like candy. Anti laughed at her screaming.

"Down the hatch, brat," He smirked, having Mark swallow. Allison screamed and squirmed as she was sucked down the fleshy tube. She landed in a pitch-black stomach and felt a burning sensation around her feet.

"Nonononono!! MARK SPIT ME OUT!!!" Allison screamed, hoping to get through to him. Anti laughed and released his hold on Mark, who instantly shook his head and yelped when he saw Anti's new form.

"Enjoy your meal Mark," Anti bowed before vanishing in a green poof.

"Meal?!" Mark gasped. He felt Allison kicking at his stomach, screaming to stop the acids. Mark panicked and began gagging, sending Allison and the other contents of his stomach back into his mouth. Mark hunched over as he puked on the forest floor. Allison whimpered in pain as she harshly landed on the forest floor, her legs and wings aching from pain and acid burns. Mark carefully picked up Allison and cupped her in his hands.

"Allison? Your Butterfliness, are you alright? I'm so so sorry, I-" Mark began wiping his eyes.

"-I-its okay Mark, it w-wasn't your fault," Allison smiled weakly, rapidly losing blood. Mark then got an idea. His saliva wasn't normal saliva, in fact, it was a very rare type. His saliva possessed healing properties that had once saved a life. Mark quickly and gently placed Allison in his mouth and gently licked her legs and wings. Slowly, through a soft red glow, her wings and legs healed. Mark carefully spat her out and used his shirt dry Allison off some. Allison shook her hair out of her face and carefully flapped her wings, making sure they were still working. She sighed with relief when she flew off Mark's hand and was able to land back on it without any problems or pain.

"Thanks, Mark," Allison smiled. Mark returned the smile with a slight bow of his head.

"My pleasure, young empress," he replied. Allison gave a little curtsy and flew off towards her castle home. She would have to find time to relax later, right now homes in the forest were destroyed and people and pokemon needed help. Allison was glad to have friends like Markiplier behind her. Through her friends and family, she could do anything.

Even save the multiverse.

Done! 1162 words! I hope you enjoyed it! =)

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