Funtime Freddy x Child Borrower

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For @ELAINA_23_23_45_45 enjoy!

10-year-old Y/n had no idea what had happened. They were at a birthday party with their best friend, celebrating and having fun as kids should. The animatronic the family had rented for the party was a massive red-headed clown named Baby. Y/n liked Baby very much and tried to get close to her, but that failed. Only when all the kids left for the cake was Y/n able to get closer to Baby. But they got too close and suddenly everything was black. When they woke up, they were on a massive table in a big dark room. They a few inches tall and were only able to read a few notes before footsteps echoed, singling for them to run. Y/n quickly slid down the metal table leg and ran blindly through the darkness. They couldn't tell where they were hiding but the man's angry yelling and cussing told them they had gotten away. Y/n remembered what the notes said, well, sort of. Something about spirits and living robots. But the one that stuck out most was the most recent one, the one that said "failed test on extraction: subject 0019 has shrunk to 3.4 inches in height." Y/n was subject 0019 and they were now trapped in an unknown place. 

(a month later)

Y/n had managed to find scraps of pizza to eat and some dripping water to drink, but the poor kid was losing hope of escaping. This pizzeria, if it could even be called that, was massive and always dark. Y/n's e/c eye had adjusted enough to make out faint shapes, but they still tripped over stuff. The wondered into a room where sparks flew and wires hung down from the ceiling in massive clumps. Y/n wondered a bit more and heard a high pitched girly giggle, making them yelp and duck under a small box.

FT Freddy's POV

"H-Hey BonBon, I think I heard someone," I said to the little blue bunny on my hand. The nightguard had come through here about two weeks ago and it has been quiet since. Ennard won't let anyone roam since things he or she or whatever-gender-they-have won't specify. BonBon woke up, unamused. He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

"It was just a mouse, go back to sleep," he started. I roll my eyes, not wanting to sleep anymore. I yank Bonbon off my hand and stand up, despite BonBon's yelling at me. Luckily, I have my night vision and look around. I thought I saw a leg sticking out from under a box. My curiosity got the best of me and I lifted it up, to be greeted by a small, but loud scream. I slam the box back down on top of whatever that was, not believing what I just heard. BonBon comes/drags himself over to me, still annoyed he lacks his bottom half.

"BonBon... you heard that right?" I asked, my hand still on the box. Bonbon rolls his eyes again.

"Of course I did! I don't know why you would scream like that though!" he snaps. I scowl at him, he also has night vision so I know he saw me.

"I didn't scream like that!" I retort, preparing to lift the box again. I start slow, then the second I heard the start of a scream I let it back down, and repeat this over at least three times. Bonbon watches me, and finally, as the kids say these days, "yeets" the box away. I instantly cup my hands over the thing and scoop it up, and rose to my feet. I felt Bonbon climb onto my shoulder as I made my way back to my stage and sat down. I felt the thing wiggling in my grasp and looked at Bonbon, who gave me the "go ahead" look and I slowly opened my hands. What we saw, both of us were not prepared for.

A kid. A tiny kid barely a few inches tall. The kid had their legs tucked into their chest and was silently sobbing into their arms. Bonbon and I looked at each other, not knowing what exactly to do. The kid then looked up at us with wide e/c eyes, about to scream. Bonbon panicked and hid behind me as I started to panic myself.

"Ssshhhhhhh! Please don't scream kiddo! You really don't want to do that down here!" I whispered yelled, not wanting him to take the kid away. The kid froze and looked into my blue eyes. They couldn't see me well if at all. Bonbon had thankfully grabbed a flashlight and we turned it on. The dim light gave us enough light to clearly see the kid and for them to be able to see us better and thankfully made us less scary.  The kid's face lit up when they saw us.

"I know you! You're Freddy and Bonbon Funtime!" They squealed. Bonbon smiled for the first time in a long time and I smiled at the kid.

"Didn't think anyone remembered us," I admitted. The kid giggled.

"You guys are my most favorite robots! I'm Y/n!" the kid -er- Y/n cried happily. I laughed a bit and using a finger I carefully ruffled their h/l h/c hair. Bonbon laughed to and looked at the kid.

"Glad you think that way!" Bonbon beamed, geez this is the happiest he's been in a long time! Then I heard something, and sat up straight, trying to hear better. The kid was about to say something when Bonbon gently hushed them and began to listen as well. Y/n looked around and tried to figure out what was happening. Bonbon and I looked at each other with horror as we realized what the sound was.

He was coming.

I needed to hide the kid! I bring the kid close to my chest as I silently panic. I couldn't use my chest chamber to hide Y/n, he would look there! Bonbon instantly caught onto my problem and looked from Y/n to me and got an idea.

"Use your pizza chamber! It's too small for him to think to look there!" Bonbon whispered. My pizza chamber is a small stomach like piece of my design that stores the pizza I "eat" so I look more realistic at shows. Usually, a worker takes it out and empties its contents into the trash at the end of the day and puts it back. But the only way to enter it is to... oh sweet mother of marshmallows... I looked at the kid, who was starting to get scared and I lift them up to my face.

"Y/n listen, a bad guy is coming and I have to hide you in me. I'm going to eat you but I promise you won't be hurt," I quickly explain, not caring how blunt I was. Y/n grows more scared but quickly nods. They shut their eyes as I place them gently in my mouth. My CS or consumption system works and looks a lot like a humans, except it uses a thin flavorless jello to coat the food so it doesn't jam my systems or my dispense pipe. I feel Y/n squirm around as I gently coat them with the jello. I nudge them back and carefully swallow, hearing them cry and feeling them struggle as they slide down my dispense pipe. They land in my "stomach", which from what I saw has a single faint yellow light to make cleaning it out easier. Y/n starts to cry again and curls up against the walls.

"Shhhh, it's only for a minute, I promise I'll let you out," I whisper. Y/n whimpers, but whispers okay and goes quiet and just in time too.

He was here. I inwardly cringe as I watch long and twisted parts of an endoskeleton come down from the ceiling, a clown mask, and a green party hat connected to them.

"Freddy... Bonbon... Is a child here?" Ennard asks us, his Baby voice ever-present. Bonbon peeks out from behind my shoulder and frown at our "master".

"Uh. No. How could a child possibly get in here, when YOU won't even let us roam the facility!?" Bonbon snaps. Ennard jerks and scowls, his head snapping back and forth in a gross and rather disturbing manner.

"Watch how you talk to me," he warns, "Or I could simply have the night guard scoop you." Bonbon shuts his mouth but keeps his scowl on. Ennard then forcefully pries my chest open and looks in, and of course, there is no child. Ennard slowly looks at my face. "If there is no child... then why did I hear a child screaming?"

"We were bored, so we tried to see who had the highest pitched scream," I answer. Bonbon nods his head in agreement.

"And I was about to win!" he grumbles. Ennard rolls his eye and lifts himself back up to the ceiling.

"Carry on with your game... quietly," he hisses before disappearing. We wait for a few minutes before talking to Y/n again.

"Hey, Y/n are you okay?" I ask. A sleepy moan answers my question and I sigh with relief, thankful they're okay. Bonbon looks at me with a happy expression and sits on my lap, content to just hear them peacefully breathing. I decide to do the same thing and lean against the wall of my stage. For the first time in a long time, we had kept a kid safe and happy.

The end! Hope you enjoyed it!  =)

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