My Little Wolf (Jeff x Tiny Alex)

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For Alex_Killer_Chao sorry this took so damn long, I was really backed up with life. Hope you enjoy being tortured by the one and only Jeef da Killa 😂

Contains fearplay, hard and unwilling v*re

Alex's POV

I've been living in this abandoned house for over a year now. I was pretty happy! I'm a three-inch tall human-wolf borrower living in an abandoned house with no one else around to steal my food or mess with me! I still live in the walls, but I can safely walk on the counters and the floors without getting crushed or eaten alive. I sit on the counter, nibbling on a piece of cracker as I reflect on myself a little. I was sad that I was the only borrower here though. My sister and I got separated two years ago and I haven't seen or heard from her since. It gets a little lonely, but I'm living my best life in this house! For a human, it would be considered pretty small. It has one bedroom, one main room that has the kitchen, living and dining room in it, and finally a full bathroom. Literally big enough for one human... or predator. Geez, sure hope I'll never have to face one! They particularly love to feed on borrower flesh. Suddenly the front door was slammed open, nearly making me jump off the counter. I bolted to my hole that I had to duck and crawl through, which would lead me to my home but I turned to see who had come into my home. The lady or I assumed it was a lady had long black hair and wore a white blood-stained hoodie. She stabbed her scary long into the counter and growled.

"STUPID A$$ SLENDERMAN!!!" she shouted, my mistake, this person was actually a man. I then got a good look at his face and oh lord it took everything I had not to puke! His skin was deathly white, and he had a huge bloody smile on his face that looked like it had been cut into it. His soft blue eyes were surrounded by black circles and then I saw something that made my own skin pale. This man had fangs... he was a predator. No doubt about it now, I needed to leave.

Jeff's POV

I. Hate. Them... SO F*CKING MUCH!!! I follow Slender's orders, kill who he wants, put up with him and his little puppets and I'm still treated like shit! Worst of all, Slender's been giving Laughing Jack and Eyeless Jack every borrower that's found in the mansion. THE TWO AREN'T EVEN PREDATORS!!! Well, EJ is a cannibal but there's a difference between predators and cannibals. Laughing Jack just plays with borrowers like dolls and rips them apart. I, however, need to eat at least A borrower every so often so I don't die! Slender doesn't even give me a limb from one! I kick down the door to this house that was literally in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere. I stab the counter with my knife and after I somewhat calmed down, a scent entered my nose. I smirked and pulled the knife out of the counter. "I smell ya rat..."

(one week later lol >:3 )

It's been a whole week and I still haven't caught the stupid borrower. I was really about to take a wrecking ball and destroy the place. I decided to try one more thing... and this has never failed.

Alex's POV

I really needed to leave, but I barely had enough food to last, much less for traveling. I had to borrower more food, but I knew if I left my home and went in the kitchen, Jeff would catch onto my scent and kill me! I waited until I heard a frustrated scream and a slam of the door. I carefully came out of my hole in the wall and looked around; no sign of Jeff and OH MY GOSH PANCAKES!!! My stomach growled at the mere sight of them and I rushed over to the glorious, golden stack of heaven when I heard a loud crash and I ran smack into nothing. I frantically stood up and realized I had run right into a trap. A glass cup had fallen on top of me. I growled to myself, furious that I had fallen for the oldest trap trick in the entire book! Starve a borrower, pretend to leave, set the trap and wait... wait... pretend to leave... I flinched as my thoughts were answered with a dark chuckle. A shadow had fallen over me and my legs had grown weak. I turned slowly only to come face to face with Jeff the Killer. My breathing hitched and I frantically pressed my back against the glass. Jeff laughed at my actions and stopped up the cup I was in. He went to the sink and turned on the faucet, moving me towards the running water. I screamed! I had no idea how to swim! The cold water filled the cup until I could barely touch the bottom with my foot. Jeff held the cup in front of his face and looked around thoughtfully.

"How to properly finish ya off... I could boil you, freeze you, oh the possibilities are endless!" Jeff sneered, causing my already shivering body to shiver more. His stomach growled and his smile grew wider if that was even possible. He smirked at me and chuckled. "Oh~ I know EXACTLY what to do with you rat," he smirked. He brought the cup to his lips and began to drink the water, causing loud gulping sounds and causing me to get sucked into his mouth too. I screamed and held the glass best I could, but my black wolf tail got caught in the current and Jeff bit it. I screamed in pain as Jeff removed me from the cup, still holding me by my tail. I watched as his tongue snaked out of his mouth and pulled me into it. I trashed and cried in the slimy darkness as the tongue kept pinning me and sucking on me. I was losing strength and hope and finally, I broke. My cries became silent and my body numb. "Just do it," I muttered. Jeff either heard me or was done with me anyway, because he tilted his head back, gravity and sliminess betraying me to Jeff's throat. It opened, eager to make me disappear forever. I closed my eyes as I was swallowed alive, and I shortly landed in Jeff's stomach. He moved around and rubbed his stomach, but I didn't care. My heart was heavy and I couldn't help but think that everything I did in my life, was all for nothing. I broke into more tears, completely giving up.

Jeff's POV

That was the best tasting borrower I've had in a long time! I walk to the couch and flop on it, rubbing my stomach. I did hear the kid when he said "Just do it" but why should I care? I'm a killer, aren't I? I heard the kid, er, rat start crying and I began to feel a little bad. WAIT!!! THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!?! I should NOT be feeling bad for him! But if I kill him now, I'll have no idea when I'm gonna eat another one. I thought for a second and a smirk made my way across my face. I coughed the kid out, dangled him in front of my face, and looked at him; he had wolf ears and tail. I smirked and pulled a tiny collar from my pocket and snapped it on his neck. He panicked and tried to take it off only to get zapped. "Gah!" he shouted. I tossed him and caught him in a tight grip.

"Listen rat, I gonna say this once. You're my little wolf now and my pet. Slender keeps borrowers away from me, but since I'm a predator, I need to eat a borrower to live," I said, smirk clear in my voice. The kid looked at me with confusion and anger. "I'm NOT your pet!" he screamed. I laughed. "Yes you are, and you're lucky I'm even letting you live because I can tell you that you were not in storage. Any longer, you would've died," I sneered, now holding the kid upside down by the ankle. The kid scowled at me. "I'd rather be dead then your pet!" he snapped.

"Fiesty aren't we? I like that," I chuckled, poking him. "Name?"

"Burn in hell!" he scowled.

"I'll just keep calling ya 'rat' then."


"Alex," he grumbled. I nodded, knowing full well I was gonna keep calling him rat. I tossed him up into the air and caught him in my mouth. Alex yelled profanities at me and I held him in my mouth for a bit, savoring his flavor. He kicked at my teeth and I responded by shoving him onto my teeth and slightly biting down on him. He whimpered and I smirked. "Naughty little wolf," I said letting him crawl out of my teeth. "Play nice." I Titled my head back and purred at his desperate attempts to get out. I sent the kid down with one hard gulp and stored him. I felt him moving and hitting my stomach walls, but he ain't coming out any time soon. I leaned back into the couch and smirked.

"Get used to it rat, you are stuck with me now."

DONE!!! Hope ya'll enjoyed it! =)

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