First Night Out (borrower scenario)

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For @PotatoNugget7

This is a sibling relationship between borrowers Arrietty and Sho!!! And sorry this took forever!

Contains no v*re

(Y/n) = your name
(F/c) = favorite color
(h/l) = hair length
(h/c) = hair color
(e/c) = eye color
(s/c) = skin color

It's every Borrowers dream! Their first Borrowing, going into the world above the floorboards and the humongous home of the Beans. Arrietty and Sho were moving around quickly in her little bedroom to grab any last-minute things. Arrietty was older then Sho by a year, so according to the Sibling Law, the oldest was in charge! Sho was a little annoyed because Ari (his nickname for Arrietty) was telling him what not to do when borrowing.

"Only thing is you've never been borrowing either Ari!" Sho said, interrupting her. Arrietty grumbled and swung he bag over her shoulder.

"True, BUT I still know better!" Ari proudly stated as the two bickering siblings made their way to the front entrance of their underground home. Their father and mother stood there waiting and their mom, Homely, kissed and hugged them as though it was the last time she would ever see them again.

"OH POD!!! PLEASE BE OH SO CAREFUL WITH MY BABIES!!!" she sobbed, causing Ari and Sho to roll their eyes.

"I will, we're only getting tissue and sugar," Pod (dad) calmly replied as he led the Clock Children out of the safety of home and into the bean's house.

~~~~~~two thousand years later~~~~~

~~~~~~LOL not really, more like two hours XD~~~~~

"Remember, a Borrower only takes what is needed, not what is wanted. And we never take personal items of a bean, they would notice it's gone right away," Pod spoke as they made their way to a bean child's room. Both Arrietty and Sho knew there was a human child in the house, a young sick girl/boy called Y/n. As they entered the room, they could see the silhouette of the human child sleeping on the bed, a box of tissue on the bedside table. They had already collected the sugar, and Arrietty was proudly carrying the cube of the sweet stuff. Sho was determined to bring back something to make mom proud, so this tissue was a great opportunity! The trio of borrowers climbed up the bedside and carefully tiptoed over to the tissue box. When Sho looked around the box, he could see the girl/boy's face in the moonlight: The human had (h/l), (h/c) hair, and (s/c) skin.

"Sho, come on!" Arrietty hissed, ready to finish. SHo climbed up the box and grabbed one end of tissue while Arietty grabbed the other end.

"Pull!" Sho whispered. Both Clock Children pulled until the tissue was almost out when, suddenly, Arriety froze in her place. Sho looked at his older sister's terrified face; her brown eyes wide and cold sweat was dripping down the side of her face. Sho turned to look at what his sister was staring at and froze himself when he saw the big (e/c) eyes of Y/n staring back at both of them. Sho's heart beat fast with fear as he slowly ducked down behind the tissue. Ari did the same thing and both children slipped off the box and landed by their father. Sho signed (yes they know sign language!) what had happened and Pod's face grew more serious and nodded for them to leave. As they began their descent off the bedside table, a soft voice from Y/n whispered:

"Please, don't leave. I-I wanna talk to you, please. It's so lonely here, it'd be nice to have a friend or two," Y/n said sadly. The honesty was strong in their voice, but Sho and Arrietty gave no response. They looked at each, and with fear and sadness in their eyes, disappeared into the walls of the house, the tissue all but forgotten.

Y/n sat up in their bed and looked around the moonlit room for any signs of the tiny people they had seen. They sighed and looked at the ground, right away seeing a little sugar cube. Y/n carefully picked it up and set it on the bedside table and laid back down, still looking at the little sugar cube.

"I'll find you two, and then hopefully we can be friends," Y/n muttered, drifting back to sleep.

I'M SORRY!!! I don't know enough about Borrowers to continue this!

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