Deku x Tiny Todoroki

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For @mikayuufangirl

Also, for those of you who don't know MHA, Izuku and Deku are the same person..

It was hard to say what had happened...

Shoto Todoroki was gone, evaporated by a villain with an unknown quirk. Deku was devastated that his best friend was gone forever. The class mourned him and his family was hurt badly by their loss.

A month went by and students slowly began to recover. Deku was quieter then normal, but was still him. But he noticed that things, tiny ones, were starting to go missing in his dorm...

Todoroki had it bad this last month. He was injured and a borrower had taken him in to heal him. He lost his quirk when the villain shrank him to 3 inches tall and he was hurt. The borrower, a young lady named Beth, explained she saw and there was no hope for him to get help to grow or get his quirk back. Preds would eat him at first glance and their kind is seen as either a food source or pests to be killed, or worse pets.

"Welcome to the bottom of the food chain," Beth sighed sadly. After two weeks, Shoto was well enough to leave despite Beth saying that he should stay. She taught him what she could and Shoto told her that if this was his life now, he would live it on his own. He thanked her for everything and left. It took him another week to get to UA High School and easily slip by security and when he did, he vanished into the vents of the 1-A class dorm building. He came back here because he honestly felt safer there, even though everyone thought he was dead. To him, it felt good to be close to people he knew, even if they didn't see him. Shoto made a small home for himself above Izuku's room and he started borrowing from him.


Deku was confused when stuff kept vanishing; was there a mouse here? His food had been broken into as well. He frowned and set a special trap and later went to leave, but left an alarm on so he'd come back. Todoroki carefully started his borrowing and had been living in Izuku's room for a week and a half and was unaware of the trap that had been set. He climbed out of the vent and went quickly to Deku's food cabinet and to the cracker bag. Todoroki failed to notice the trap until a weighted plastic jar slammed down on him and trapped him underneath it. He flinched a little at the loud slam and instantly tried to find a way out of this mess before Deku came back.

Deku's watch went off and he dashed back to his dorm and slammed the door shut and paled seeing who was in the trap.

"Sh-.. Todoroki?!" He cried, and Todoroki froze and turned to see Deku looking into the jar.

"Hey Deku," he said quietly. Deku rushed over and he moved the jar from him, grabbing his friend gently and Todoroki yelped.

"Deku?! Put me down," he said, trying not to panic but then Deku burst out crying. Todoroki was surprised; he'd seen his friend cry before but this was next level crying.

"Todoroki, you were killed! Y-you were shot be a villain and no one could find your body! You were dead!" Deku sobbed hard. Todoroki looked up at his friend but then saw something that made his heart drop; Deku had fangs. Predator fangs and Beth's words of what preds did to their kind flooded his head.

"Look, Iuzku, I appreciate you missed me this much but I need to leave now," Todoroki said seriously and tried to wiggle out of his friend's grasp. He couldn't believe he was actually considering Deku might eat him, but he had no way to be certain and with him being this small now, it was a risk he couldn't take no matter how much he trusted him. Deku was surprised by his friend's words and hugged him close, refusing to let go. He then instantly knew where to put him.

"Todoroki, you can't leave now! You just go back a-and.... I'm sorry, but this won't kill you I swear," Deku said quickly and popped his friend into his mouth and sealed him away. Todoroki gasped, and shook a little.

"Deku. Let me out," he ordered and winced when Deku started to lick his body. Deku was really surprised at Todoroki's flavor; he was icy hot, like some took hot cinnamon and mixed it with cold icing. It was a amazing and Deku couldn't help but enjoy it a little. He salivated heavily and Todoroki panicked feeling the saliva build up and heard Deku's hums of delight. Oh gawd, he was savoring him!

"Iuzku! Stop it!" He yelled and thrashed madly. Deku felt bad for scaring him but he had to keep him hidden and safe. He tilted his head back, frowning apologetically at feeling Todoroki thrash and slip down his throat, and he sent him down with a simple "glrk". Todoroki struggled and thrashed and yelped landing in storage. He was confused; no acids?

"If you're wondering where the acids are.. you're in storage," Deku sighed and went to the couch, gently rubbing where he felt his friend. Todoroki flinched and slowly leaned into the rubs and sighed.

"You could've said so," he grumbled, but was beyond relieved to still be alive. Deku laughed a little.

"Yeah sorry," he said and kept up the gentle rubs. Todoroki smiled a little, oddly feeling safe and cozy. Deku purred feeling him calm down and drift off to sleep. True this was weird, but he'd keep him safe until they fixed this mess.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay," Deku smiled and yawned, going to sleep.

Sloppy I know I'm sorry T-T

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