It's all happen because of me!

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Jungkook stare at the sonography report in his hands, his baby who are growing in his cute tummy looks so small in that report, Jungkook couldn't help but smile more seeing the photo. He is happy to listen his both babies are healthy and well in his tummy, that means he is taking care of them and his self very well.

Why wouldn't he won't take care of himself when he has the love of his life with him all the time, who takes care of the younger very well! Jimin is a nice guy and take really good care of Jungkook, oh Jungkook can't wait to tell Jimin that their bun's are growing inside his cute tummy.

Jimin going to have a big surprise when he'll come home today as Jungkook thought, that he will make it a little special to tell him good news. Maybe the younger will bake a cake and write on it "We're Pregnant" as Jungkook know it was in trend and Jimin will immediately understand it's meaning and will hug the younger really tight, giving peeks all over his face.

As Jungkook knows Jimin will get so happy listening it, cause he always talk about having toddlers with Jungkook that he nearly forgot did Jimin really going to behave like that or not?!

And he even forgot the reality, that he was receiving some creepy text from unknown person telling him to leave Jimin, Jungkook was determine not to leave Jimin and tell him as their bun's are growing in his tummy now but what will happen if that someone knows Jungkook is carrying 'Park's blood'! 'Park Jimin's own blood'!

What will happen if that someone will know about Jungkook being pregnant, isn't they gonna harm him or 'Jimin'! or maybe 'The babies'! what if that someone did something do babies? Of course if that person don't want Jungkook to stay with Jimin they might harm the babies too. What if someone gives Jungkook something in his drink or food and next day he will find out that the babies are not good, what will Jungkook did?

What if they try to hurt Jimin? What if something happens to Jimin before Jungkook could tell Jimin about their bun's?! about the bunnies in Jungkook's tummy.

Seokjin was driving Jungkook home after their hospital ride, he can't wait to see Jimin's happy face after Jungkook will tell him. He was happy for the younger as Jungkook was like a little brother for him. The thought of his little brother going to have a little family now makes him joyful too.

Seokjin can't wait to see Jungkook's little babies and it's twins, little Kia going to have two little bunnies to play with her, he can't wait the little girl giggling and laughing with Jikook's little bunnies and Taegi's little Kris who was two month old now! Which means wedding!

Yes as soon as little Kris got 2 month olds Yoongi and Taehyung decided to get married, their wedding was just in two weeks and this news came it's like happiness has found a way to their doorstep. Everyone was happy, leaving their life, having childrens now but Jin was restless.

SeokJin was restless thinking about the text Jungkook was receiving, he was so worried and speeding the car when he found out that someone was following them. He clearly saw one car is following them since they left the hospital, SeokJin knows that they must have inquire about Jungkook in the hospital.

Jin turned left, so do that car. Then Jin turn right, the car is also followed them even in a narrowed rode. Jungkook wasn't looking where Seokjin is taking him coz Seokjin choose a very hustle bustle rode just for their safety so that those people won't do anything.

Jungkook was busy staring at the sonography test while Seokjin was busy douching them and making sure they leave them! SeokJin decided that not to let Jungkook stay at his house at least not until Jimin came back from office, Seokjin decided to tell Jimin everything cause now this was getting out of hands.

So Seokjin turn his car and head toward his and Namjoon's house where little Kia was waiting for him with Namjoon. "Hyung, where are we going?" Jungkook look up to find out it was not his home way, but it was Jin and Namjoon's home way.

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