44. Dangerous Double Bunny!Run!

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A/N : Happiest birthday 🎂🥳🎉 to Joonie 🥺 our cute leader 🥺♥️.

Advanced Happy Birthday 🎂🎉🥳 to Yeonjun 🥺♥️.

I'll start voting Goal from Today.

Voting Goal : 30 votes.





“Baby calm down, I did not burn the kitchen! It’s just the sauce is....” Jimin try to say but angry Koo wasn’t listening!

“Oh No! You create a mess again Jimin! Go away, don’t talk to me! Sit there quietly and let me do my work!” Jungkook glare at Jimin, as he burn the sauce a while ago.

“Baby let me help you, please! I won’t disturb you more, but at least let me help you cooking!” Jimin tried to talk to Jungkook, who glare at him again.

Forming an angry pout on his face, Jungkook facepalm himself saying, “This is your help Jimin?! This is your help? You’re burning my kitchen, and beside that you’re disturbing me to make food, for my Father-in-law!”

“Dad will be disappointed with me, if he sees this mess” Tears weld up in his doe eyes.

“Bunny! Dad won’t say anything!” Jimin try to console, but seems like he make Jungkook more angry with this.

“Of Course! He won’t, as I’m pregnant now! He won’t hurt my feelings, but as his Son-in-law, it’s my duty to make good food for him! But you!” and the bunny started to cry holding pan in his hand, which he pick up to hit Jimin.

“Where is mom? I need mom! MOM!!!!” And Jungkook cry more and more, like a 1 year old baby, snots are coming out from his nose, eyes are puffy by how much he cried, tears won’t stop as he plop himself on the ground, legs wide stretched, like a little boy. Still holding the pan in his hand, which he raise to hit Jimin a while ago but couldn't do it, cause he don’t want to hurt Jimin.

“She’ll come here soon! They said they are stuck in the traffic, but they’ll come soon” slowly and slowly Jimin goes near Jungkook and crouches down beside him, he took the boy in his embrace, who was crying like a baby.

“Hyung, I want Mom! Where’s mom! Mom!” he sniffles loudly, hiccups has already started because of his crying “*sniff* mom *hiccup* mom”

“There there! She’ll come here soon.” Jimin said as he rubs Jungkook’s back, wipe his tears & snot, and give him some water to stop his hiccups.


It was the day when Jungkook going to meet his father-in-law for the first time, as the boy was so nervous he couldn’t fall asleep well last night, searching new dishes on Youtube. He wants to impress his father-in-law, and thank him for approving his and Jimin’s relationship too.

As expected, he spend half of his night watching cooking videos, so the boy woke up late that morning. Jimin let him sleep and make few simple dishes, so when Jungkook will wake up, he’ll immediately have something to eat, otherwise he’ll start getting angry like an angry bird.

Jimin by habit, woke Jungkook up by biting his shoulder and neck, “Mmm.. Jimin… let me sleep more~ I’m so sleepy~” he said as he turn around, putting a pillow bellow his stomach, as Jungkook has a habit of sleeping on his stomach, they decided it’s best for Jungkook to sleep on his both sides, and on his back, and if he ever sleep on his stomach again, one of them will put a pillow bellow Jungkook’s belly, like this there will be less chance of hurting the babies.

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