Chapter 30

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Takes place in March.
Jesse's 19 birthday
Isa is 22.
POV Jesse

Radar is having Isa buy something from the stores for my birthday. Milo and Francine are apparently baking a cake or something for me. I don't know because I'm not even allowed in the kitchen.

I feel like a kid again. Ha. Though my Dad usally picked me up a cake from the store because he didn't know how to bake. Now that I think of it, where was Amanda when I was a kid. I hardly remember her being there. I guess it's good I have a better family now. One that doesn't frame my Dad for a crime and then take me half way across country.

I miss New Jersey. We didn't live close to the shitty beaches or anything, but I liked where I lived. I liked having friends next door. My house was nice to have friends over at, and I miss those time. Being a young teenager who thought of himself as immortal, I will never get that again. I am still a teenager I guess, but I am an adult that has more responsibility.

I lie on the couch mindlessly watching family feed reruns. Radar happily texts on the chair across from me. I'm so God damn bored.

"Isa will be here in 5 minutes," Radar says without glancing up from his phone.

After an entirety of waiting, Isa walks in with two cases of beer.

"Are those for you and Francine?" I ask, hardly looking up from the TV.

"No. They're for you, me, and Radar. Let's party," Isa cheers.

"I don't want any," I say. I never actually drank alcohol, and it is illegal for me to do so. I don't want to become an alcoholic and live the rest of my life in shitty Chicago.

"Your loss," Isa replies as she sits the cases down and cracks open a can. Instead of drinking it herself, she hands it to me.

This time, I take the can. Maybe this could help me.

Isa turns on some music and I start drinking my first can and then it turns into three cans. And then 6. And then...

"Jesse I think you should slow down, its not good to drink so much in such a short amount of time," Isa takes the can from my hand.

"Heyyy. Heyy I'm great," I say. I reach for another can, but fall off the couch.

"The food is READYYY!" Milo exclaims.

I feel fine. Kind of dizzy, and my head is kind of pounding. I'm going to close my eyes for a second.

POV third person

"Jesse do you want some food?" Isa asks and turns around to see Jesse passed out on the living room floor.

"You should probably take him to his room. He can eat when he wakes up," Radar tells Isa.

Isa drags Jesse through the kitchen and hallway until she reaches Jesse's room. Isa quietly opens the door and lies Jesse on the bed. As Isa covers Jesse with the comforter on the bed, Jesse mumbles a 'thank you' before passing out.

Back in the kitchen, Radar and Isa chow down on Milo and Francine's hard work.

Francine opens a beer and joins them at the table. "Where's Jesse?"

"Oh. Jesse fell asleep so I put him in bed," Isa says.

"That's no good. Take him some food before it gets cold," Francine says.

Isa takes a plate of food back to Jesse's room. She quietly opens the door and peeks her head in.

Jesse is fast asleep on the bed. Isa puts the plate on the nightstand and silently leaves the room.

What a birthday?

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