Chapter 9

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Lukas POV

"I.... have something that I need to put out in the open..."

I know it will be about his dad or something, but what if it his something else? What if he does like me?

Jesse has an uneasy look on his face. I can only anticipate that he will say something. Something I would faint over. Thousands of thumps beat in my chest. My stomach flutters with each passing second.

"Lukas..." Jesse says looking up at me.

Say it! Say it Jesse! "Yeah?"

"Promise me that..."

I think I am having a mini heart attack. My hormones run wild through my body. My heart beats faster than even possible. SAY IT! PLEASE SAY YOU DO LIKE ME! My biggest fantasies will be real.

"Promise me that we will best friends till we die," Jesse says. The color mentally drains from my face. Not what I was expecting. Sigh.

"Absolutely. And don't forget even in afterlife we will still be best friends," I say. Jesse and I lock pinkies. At least, at least I know we will be together for ever. But it's not the way I was thinking. My dreams are sort of crushed. I can't beg him to be gay or anything. Maybe I have to tell him how I feel.

"Hey. So last week my dad told me we were going to go camping tomorrow. I am allowed to bring a friend. So do you want to come. I know that it is short notice and everthing-"

"-Yes. I'd love to go." This is not completely a lie. I'd definitely want to go anywhere with Jesse. But camping is not my favorite. I do not hate it though.

"HEY DAD! LUKAS IS COMING TOMORROW!" Jesse yells."By the way, we are staying three nights. And maybe you should stay tonight so we can leave early tomorrow."

"Okay. Let me text my mom."

Me- Mom can I stay at Jesse's tonight and go camping with him tomorrow? We will be staying for three nights. I will come and pack my stuff if you guys are okay with me staying.

Mom- It's fine with us as long as you listen to Mr. Harris(Jesse's dad). Me and Charlie(my dad) are not going to be home Wednesday and Thursday, so take your house keys.

Me- Okay.

Perfect! "I will run to my house and pack my things. Is there anything specific I need for camping?" I say, rising from my seat.

"I guess sunscreen, bug spray, stuff like that. My dad has all the equipment we need," Jesse says.

I will definitely pack my journal and phone. Not because I will be bored, but because I can take pictures and write things down.

I run home to pack my bag and head back to Jesse's.

We sit in his room and play a variety to videogames. We both have a comfy spot on his bed. I lay on my stomach at the end of his bed while Jesse sits with his back propped against the other end of the bed.

A yawn roars from my mouth. Jesse does the same. My eye lids feel very heavy. Since when do they make weights for you eye lids? I pass out with the controller still in my hand.

Geeze, is it morning already? I have been trying to clear my head of these feelings for Jesse. Only sometimes it works.

I open my eyes. I look down at the blue sheet and drool spot. My knees are against Jesse. At least he was nice enough to put the controller away and cover half of me with a blanket.

⚠️kind of sexual⚠️

Should I just lay here? Holy crap. I am sleeping in the same bed as Jesse. My knee is touching him.

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