Thanks for Reading

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I'd like to thank everyone for reading this fanfiction and sticking with me throughout all these years.

I'd like to thank those whose comments kept me motivated to continue writing this fanfiction. We wouldn't be here with a completed fanfiction.

The song above is what inspired me to write this in the first place.

Special thanks to:







Your comments kept pushing me forward during the times when I felt like I should just scrap this fanfiction. I really appreciate you guys :)

I don't think I will write another fanfiction. I started this when I thought it would be super fun to write a fanfiction, but I've learned alot about myself over these past few years and I learned that I don't like writing as much as I used to.

I will stick around to see everyone's comments, I just will not edit the chapters anymore so I can leave this piece of fiction to live the rest of it's life peacefully.

Again, thank you to everyone who stuck through the three year journey to read this story, I don't know how you did it.

And if you are lucky enough to read this story after it is all published, I hope you enjoy the hard work I put in.

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