Chapter 11

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This is in the summer.

POV Aiden

School is soooooo boring. My best friend Lukas doesn't even talk to me anymore. Maybe we're not best friends. I usually hangout with my soccer friends, and never really talk to Lukas.

It was so funny earlier when Gill and I pranked my sister hardcore. We had spent months collecting alive and dead stink bugs to put in a box of chocolate frosted flake. Oh my God my sister is so stupid.

This kid at school is so gay. He is always prancing around with those other gay fucks. They are always so loud, one time I snapped at them. They kept their fucking mouths shut after that. They don't even look in my direction. I'd say I won.

Oh fuck. My friend Mya is so hot. And she has the biggest tits in the whole entire grade. I would love to tap that.

"Damn," I mumble to myself. I know this is sort of wrong, but who cares.

Maybe Lukas, the good boy, could help me. With my grades that is. My grades are terrible. My coach said that I won't be able to play next season if I don't give any effort in school.

I don't have to worry about school for a few months, summer and relaxing is my plan.

Maybe I should be nice and visit Lukas. He is a really good teammate when we need to be competitive. Like when we played jeopardy, and when we had to build the tallest tower out of index cards.

I run out of my house and over to Lukas's. He is only a few houses down, not much of a walk.

I ring the doorbell to only be greated by Lukas's mom.

"Hey, is Lukas here?" I ask.

"Yeah, he is in his room with Jesse. Please, come in. Just make sure you boys don't make too much noise," Lukas's mom replies in a tired voice.

Arrrrr. Why Jesse? I guess he seems cooler than Lukas. But I still hate him. He is such a nerd, and always talks to my friend Tyler.

I reach to open the door.

"-maybe we could-"

"Hey Lukas and Jesse!" I say, barging into the room. I catch a quick movement from the corner of my eye. Almost as if they were holding hands... Nah. If they were, I would blackmail the hell out of them.

Lukas and Jesse's faces are a little flushed and they seem a little uneasy. Oh my God. They probably were talking about their crushes and got startled because they do not want me to know.

"H-hey Aiden! What are you doing here?" Lukas asks.

"I thought I'd hangout with my best friend. And I want in," I say.

"In on what?" Jesse asks.

What does he think. He is stupider than a fucking rock.

I lean in closer, "Who your crushes are. You know, the hottest girls that take your breath away."

"Oh- Right," Lukas says glancing at Jesse.

Jesse mouths something to Lukas and they give eachother a nod.

"Well... if you must know," Jesse's voice drops to a whisper," I am head over heels in love with..."

"With," I say. I am kind of eager to know. I would be flattered if he says Mya, but I hope he wouldn't try and take her from me.

"Jackie," Jesse says. It comes out sort of like a laugh.

He definitely has zero standards. Jackie is just STDs thrown in an ugly box.

"What about you, Lukas?" I ask.

Who could my dear friend Lukas possibly like? I'm betting it's Caroline.

Lukas shrugs in response. I think I should ask about their possible hand holding. Blackmailing would be very fun...

"Are you guys lying?" There is no WAY anyone could like Jackie, theu just use her because she's easy. Maybe I empathize too much.

"N-no," Jesse says avoiding my eyes.

Well, I don't really buy it. Maybe this will help get the truth. I will make them crack. They have to be hiding who they really like.

"When I walked in, what made you guys so startled?" I will get to the bottom of it.

"What are you talking about?" Lukas asks.

"You know what I'm talking about. You guys were holding hands. Admit it," I am basically peer pressuring them.

"No we weren't," Jesse says in a threatening voice.

"Admit it," I snap back.

"No. We weren't holding hands," Jesse says.

"Yes you were, I saw it," I look directly into Jesse's eyes. I need to know the truth. He will crack and tell me what really happened.

Lukas sits there as his two best friends argue.

"Aiden you're the one who's gay! You're imagining things you delusional fa-"

"Stop! You guys are arguing over pointless stuff! Drop it! Okay?" Lukas yells, putting a hold to our argument.

"Could you please answer a question for me? I want the truth," I say to Lukas.

"Alright," Lukas responds.

"Were you and Jesse holding hands? Answer the damn question!" I say to Lukas.

I get in his face to seem more intimidating.

His face flushes a little, that gets followed by many "no"s.

I pin Jesse down and grab ahold of his shirt collar.

"Help!" Jesse gasps, his voice muffled by my hand.

"Answer my fucking question and I will let go of Jesse," I tighten my grip.

"No-no. No. No! Now let him go," Lukas pleads as he tries to get me off.

Lukas's strength is pathetic. Lukas can't get help even if he wanted to. Jesse and I are blocking the door.

Jesse chokes and gasps for air. "Lukas," Jesse gasps as a few tears drip down his cheeks, "tell him."

"Come on Lukas," I say, grabbing ahold of Jesse's hair.

Jesse can't do anything about it, I have his arms pinned down with the rest of his body.

"Okay! okay! I-I really like Jesse! Now let him go!" Lukas yells insainly fast.

I get off of Jesse. Jesse tries to fight back, but is stopped. Lukas hugs Jesse tightly.

Too bad for Lukas, I heard every word he said.

"-Jesse, are you okay? I am so sorry," Lukas cries, hugging Jesse tighter.

Fag. Who would have guesses my x-best friend was a faggot. A wimpy, little faggot.

"I'm fine, Lukas,"Jesse says, hugging Lukas back.

I laugh uncontrollably. This has to be a joke.

"Fa-," I'm about to say.

"Aiden, stop. If your tiny, immature, pea brain can't comprehend that straight is not the only sexuality, then get out. This is who I am. Do whatever you want! I don't care," Lukas barks.

I wipe away the tears I had accumulated from all this laughter. I think he is being serious. I should go before I cause more of a problem. I honestly don't care if we are friends anymore. It's not like I get anything out of this. People are always changing.

"See you guys at school. Have a gay day. And don't tell me what you will be doing once I am gone," I say sarcastically,"fuck you." I flick them off as I leave Lukas's house.

Your life will be hell in no time.

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