Chapter 36

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POV Lukas

After my shift is over, we go to my parents' house to get my old phone. I told my mom that I was going home after the visit, and made sure she didn't see Aiden's car parked down the block.

Even though I can trust her, I don't want Aiden to hurt her because of me.

Aiden then drives us back to his apartment. We decide it would be best for me to not go to work.

Aiden went off to work earlier, so I just take the time to meet Cassie, Aiden's girlfriend. Which it turns out that she is really cool.

Cassie said she works in the computer programming field and suggested that we play some chess. I am not the best at chess, and Cassie really brings that out.

"Check. Mate," Cassie says the fifth time in a row.

"Damn. I am usally good at planning ahead, but this is just crazy," I sigh.

"Maybe. Think of a game of chess as actions to outcomes. These pieces can move to all the possible actions one may take. And then," Cassie picks up her knight piece and places it, "Check mate."

I go to move my pieces back but Cassie holds her hand to stop me.

"Lukas, as you can see, checkmate was the outcome of that action. But what if," she moves the knight back to it's original spot," I decided to use my bishop to capture your pawn. Then the game would continue. Or, what if I moved my queen and castle here and here over the span of two moves to cause another checkmate. Overcourse, you also can make moves, which are predictable and unpredictable at the same time. I have a deeper understanding of the game, therefore finding a counter comes easily."

"So you're saying that I am good at planning ahead in the real world because I unconsciously understand most of the moves that can be made?"

"Yes. Like how you were able to leave your shitty boyfriend without him knowing right away," Cassie laughs.

The things she says kind of make me tense. She made me lose faith in my strategy skills, and now I think Roman will show up at the apartment any minute.

"I. I need a break." I stand up from the table and take a seat on the couch.

I hear Cassie's footsteps enter the living room. "Hey, I wish I could think before I talk. I know you are scared of Roman, and that to you is like just like chess to you. You don't know the moves let alone the ones of your opponent. But lucky for you, Roman doesn't know your moves either."

He deserves to burn in hell. I am scared to even leave this apartment room. He could show up one day and shoot me, stab me, kidnap me, rape me, or worse and hurt my family.

"Uh. Lukas? You need to look at this," Cassie says in a very concerned voice. She hands her phone over to me.

It's a message from Aiden.

Aiden- Roman is very pissed and very hostile. Lukas needs to get out of there NOW

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," my breating quickens. It feels like I'm being suffocated.

"So is there anywhere you can go? I can drive and I'll throw your bags into the trunk," Cassie acts fast by grabbing her car phob and carrying my bags to the door.

Jesse. Yes, I can go to his apartment. I tell Cassie the address and she puts it into Google maps. Me and Cassie throw my bags in the trunk a drive off.

Thankfully Jesse lives about 20 minutes away. It's probably not far enough though. I take the chance to text Jesse back

Me- Roman might try to find Aiden's apartment to look for me. I really need your help

I look around making sure no one is following us. I try to slow my breathing.

We slowly drive over a bridge, the traffic is crazy today. I take a moment to take in my surroundings. The water is pretty shallow with larger rocks sticking out throughout the water. It's a kind of green color that somehow reminds me of Jesse's eyes.

I could just jump out of the car right now, and fling myself over the railing. I wouldn't have to worry anymore, I wouldn't have to feel disappointed in myself anymore, I wouldn't have to live anymore.

I think I still love Jesse, even after all these years, but I can't do it anymore. This way it would be quick and on my own terms, if Roman gets ahold of me, it wouldn't.

I reach for the door handle.

Cassie glances at me. "You know, I tried that once," Cassie says coldly.

"Open a car door?" I ask sarcasticly.

"No. Lukas, I tried to end my life."

I rest my hands on my lap. "I was just going to rest my arm by the handle," I advoid her eyes and stare over at the water.

"You were going to open the door. We are on a bridge Lukas! Jesus."

"What made you do it?" I whisper while fighting the urge to pull the door handle.

Cassie let's out a sigh. "Growing up I stayed to myself. I had friends and family, but I kept my distance. During my sophomore year of highschool, I really got tired of living. I felt like I had no purpose. My cat Winslow got very sick. I absolutely adored him, and when he died, it took everything left of me. I took all the medicine that was in our bathroom cabinet and went to bed," Cassie says very dryly.

"Are you okay now? If you don't mind me asking," I say.

"Yeah, actually. Some how the medicines were not bad enough to kill me, and I recovered from the damages by the time I went off to college. But Lukas, I want you to think about what you should live for, and hold on to your memories tightly. That river," Cassie points to the water below," may kill you, or it might leave you crippled forever."

"What about Roman?" I fear he may ruin any chance at life I still have left.

"If you see that he is stalking you and trying to find you, get police involved and mention the abuse. But if he actually leaves you alone, just leave him be."

"I am going to live for Jesse, and his dad. They were always so nice to me growing up," I smile as I remember all the good times me and Jesse had when we were kids.

"That's good to hear. Aiden enjoys having you as a friend, Lukas. You mean more to people than you realize."

I stop glancing back at the cars behind us. Instead, I watch the cars far ahead of us and I stop worring about fucking Roman.

We finally get out of traffic and just drive to Jesse's apartment. No speeding, no paranoia, just sitting in the car and enjoying the radio.

Even if me and Jesse decide to stay friends or decide to be boyfriends, one thing is for certain; We will always be best friends. We will always be able to laugh at all the dumb shit we've gotten ourselves into. We will always be able to hop on the old c.o.d.s or the new co-op games and have a blast. We will always be there to lend a shoulder to cry on. We will always be able to forgive people like Aiden, and maybe be their friend too.

This is all because We're just two bros.

~~~The End~~~

Thank you for reading.

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