Chapter 22

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Middle of summer

POV Jesse

Hadrian kisses my cheek then neck then lips. We walk into his room and he locks the door. I sit on the floor and he sits on his bunk.

I'd never tell him, but I called off the thing with Radar. Radar is my friend and I only want the best for him. Mevia is far from that.

I hear the front door open and slam shut followed by heavy footsteps rushing up the stairs.

It's probably Ray. He always gets pissed off from nothing.

The footsteps get louder and stop right outside Hadrian's room. The handle twists a few times followed be loud pounds.


"I don't know what he wants," Hadrian mumbles as he opens the door.

"Hadrian, why are you having sexual activity with that shit head?" Ray gestures towards me.

Oh great. I am just curious how he found out. It could have been from two nights ago. Hadrian was being a little careless.

"Dad, I don't know what you are talking about. Why do you think I would do that with fucking Jesse?" Hadrian insists.

"I don't know Hadrian, tell me. Why?" Ray presses.

Hadrian's eyes start to water. "Dad, I never wanted to do that. Jesse forced me to do awful things with him. I didn't want to seem weak to you. Dad, please do something. Get him away from me," Hadrian cries, running into Ray's arms.

"I'm sorry I let him hurt you. I thought it was your fault because of the videos from the hallway camera," Ray says softly.

"Wow. You don't want to believe that your son has had sex with many guys. If you ask your daughter-"

"That's enough," Ray says in a cold voice, "Your mother was right. We should've left you to foster care."

"Foster care would have been better than this shit," I mumble.

"No Jesse, it is not."

"You guys make me work day after day to be able to pay you guys for letting me live here. I'd rather be thrown into some strangers house and have the chance to have a normal few months," I say through my teeth.

"Jesse, your mom did this to you, not me. This is my house and my son's safety is at risk. I am going downstairs to arrange something with Amanda. Keep your hands off. My. Son." Ray goes downstairs and leaves the door open.

Hadrian looks at me and silently cries. He tries to hug me.

"Look what you did, Hadrian. You lied to cover your own ass," I push him away.

"I love you, Jesse. I'm sorry," Hadrian whispers.

"Hadrian, things could've been different if you told your dad the truth. You are the real danger."

"Jesse, you don't know my dad."

"I know that he cares about his own children. When he is not drunk, he is a decent human being."

"Jesse, you are fucking awesome in bed," Hadrian whispers

"Can you just leave me alone? You need help you manipulative piece of shit." I walk down the stairs and sit at the bottom.

Hadrian is fucking awful. I thought Amanda and Ray would be the problems. But it was actually everyone but Ray.

"So we should give him up to the state?"

"Well I don't want to take care of him. I already gave Julin what he deserved. Now it is Jesse's turn."

"Alright. We can get the paper work and go over everything on Monday.

"Don't worry, Ray. He won't be here to hurt your son."

"I-I think Hadrian might have been part of the problem," Ray suggests.

"No, it was definitely Jesse," Amanda says and slams down her fist.

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