Chapter 28

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December, Jesse is 18

POV Jesse

Learning the ingredients is, hard. Fin Jarold said that he thinks I'm ready to start preparing meals at the diner. Fancy, I know.

"Hey Jesse, do you want to come ice skating with my friends, Isa and Milo?" Radar peaks his head into my room.

"You know what, why not," I say as I grab my coat and boots.

We hop into Isa's car and drive to the outdoor skating rink.

I haven't done this kind of shit in years. I used to be pretty good at roller blading, maybe I still have so of that skill.

We trade our shoes with the skate attendant and walk over to the rink.

"It's pretty crowded today," Radar comments.

"It's just more people you can show off to," I say.

"Haha, shut up," Radar playfully punches my arm.

Milo and Radar gracefully glide onto the ice while me and Isa anxiously stand right before the ice.

"Intimidating, I know," Isa says.

"I used to be like them," I say pointing to milo and Radar. "I had high confidence, and didn't worry failing."

"Seems like your using ice skating to symbolize your personal issues," Isa steps onto the ice. "Are you coming?"


"Do you want help?" Isa asks.

"Your words. Are so familiar," I say and just stand there.

God Damn it. One of my happier memories, I guess it's sad now. Me and Lukas went on a date to a skating rink. We skated. Well, Lukas couldn't skate at all. I remember him being so fucking handsome. I don't see anyone like that anymore. I need to let him go. Just like I let go of my mom. My mom died a long time ago. So did my boyfriend Lukas.

"Are you alright?" Isa asks.

"Yes. And I would like help," I smile and take her hand.


"Haha, I think I'm getting the hang of it," I say and let go of Isa. I move forward a little. I pick up my speed. I trip over a notch in the ice and face plant into the ice. "God Damn it," I mumble into the ice.

My coat sleeves got pushed up in that slick movement, causing my arms to be exposed.

I carefully move onto my knees.

"Need a hand?" A voice asks.

I unconsciously grad hold of the hand that extends in front of me. "Thank you," I say as I look at the man who helped me.

"Gabriel," he says and shakes my hand.

"I'm Jesse. And thanks again."

"My band's holding a free show tonight at the Everything Coffee Coffee shop. We are trying to get more publicity. Would you be interested?" Gabriel asks.

"Hey, sounds cool. And I'll see if my friends want to come too," I quickly roll my sleeves back up.

"Cool, see you guys then," Gabriel says as he skates away.

We all go to the show later that evening.

The band consists of four people, and from here, each member really stands out. Besides their black and bright outfits, their instruments go together pretty well.

I spoke with Gabriel when we first got to the coffee shop and he told me the names and stuff of his band memebers.

Gabriel himself is the lead singer. Ellagaard is on bass. Sorren is on keyboard. And Magnus is on drums. They also have a manager guy named Ivor who is crazy.

Their band is highly respected by the locals here. They just seem so put together, and are really good at what they do.

I decide to open Instagram and sign into the account I haven't used in ages. I start a live stream and film the band.

Gabriel walks up to the microphone as the other members get their instruments ready.

"Id like to thank everyone who came here tonight. This first song is one we have never preformed before. We call it, Order of No Order." Gabriel signals for the instrumentalists to start.

"Something tells me we're not right, can't figure it out, we'll be cut tonight. We're not playing your games, we're not listening to you assholes. we'll put on a show, better craft your masks out of bedrock, cause tomorrow's gonna fucking blast your cheap as plastic masks into the very atoms that are some how weaker than your insults."

"FUUUUUCK YOOOOOU!" Ivor screams as he runs around on stage.

As I listen to the rest of the song, it reminds me of myself and my friends who were kind of bullied by Aiden and his friends.

I check my phone to see I have a couple of viewers. Hopefully they are enjoying the show as much as I am.

These guys don't care how expressive they are. Maybe my life would have been different if I didn't take people's crap all the time.

"Hey Jesse," Isa nudges my arm, "this was a great call. I am having a great time."

I am actually flattered. I give her a smile and continue to listen to the band. "I am having a great time too."

"I was wondering if you wanted to hangout again sometime, just the two of us," Isa says.

"You are cool, but it seems like you are asking me to go on a date. I am not interested in woman so-" I turn down her offer.

"I always wanted to be friends with a gay guy like yourself. I am asking you if you want to see what it's like to be friends with the girls."

I never actually hung out with girls like I did with the guys I was friends with.

"I like that idea," I say to Isa.

We all listen to the rest of the show and chat with one another.

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