Extra Large Chapter 17

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POV Lukas

I am really starting to worry about Jesse. He hasn't been to school since last Friday and it is Thursday. I am not even allowed to go over to his house until I get ungrounded, which is not until another eight days. He could be hospitalized for all I know.

I could call him, but he will probably be at school by then. It is the time of year to be sick.

I could go hunting for my phone later, but my parents are too smart to put it somewhere in the house. They even take the cords for my xbox when they leave for business stuff.

I glance up at the clock and decide to put away my work and put all my folders onto my desk.

The bell rings and I walk down the hall to history. I cross my fingers and hope Jesse will be there. He could just be late today, but that is what I have been thinking everyday for the past six school days.

I sit at my desk and keep my eyes on the door. I stop after the late bell rings. I turn my head, with disappointment, towards the front of the room.

As I walk home from school, I contemplate whether I should go straight home or go through the ally to go to Jesse's for a few minutes. I stop dead in my tracks. My parents are eyeing me from down the road.

What's worse is that they probably have a good reason to walk from our house and take the right to bring them here.

I speed walk down the small hill to where my parents are standing.

"Lukas, we have to leave in a few minutes for a business meeting and dinner," My mom says.

"And that means make yourself something for dinner and don't go outside. If you cooperate for one more day, you can be ungrounded," My dad explains before they both hop into their coworker's car.

I finish my walk home. I take off my bookbag and go onto the front porch. I know I have to go check up on Jesse.

I walk over to his house, and I am greeted by a 'for sale' sign. He, he didn't tell me him and his Dad were moving out. There are a few rental houses down the road, I'm sure that is where they are moving.

I go up to the door and ring the door bell.

"Hello?" I random guy opens the door.

"Is Jesse here? This is. This was his house. What about Julin?"

"Look, kid. I am just an inspector, I don't know much about what happened. All I know is that the previous owner had some legal problems. There will be an auction here on Sunday to get rid of their belongings," the inspector steps away from the door to let two other random people out.

Fuck. FUCK! I normally don't curse, but this is very bad. His dad's side of the family lives pretty far and are too crowded to take their possessions. And, who knows where his fucked up mother is.

"Wait. Please, can I get a few things?" My heart begins to sink.

"Like I told you, the auction isn't until Sunday."

"Please, Jesse is my best friend and now he is gone. It will only be a few things that wouldn't make any money at your auction. You can check them and then I could pay you for them," I have to get something to remind me of Jesse.

"Hmm. Here's the deal, if you can help my guys clean the house and remove and food and/or trash from the house, you can have $20 worth of items. You can grab the items now and then sit them on this table."

"Thank you!" I quickly run past him and dash up the stairs to Jesse's room.

I know exactly what I need to check for. I scan the floor of his room. There's a small pile of dirty laundry to the floor. I don't see it. I check under his blankets and under his bed. Nope. I open his closet door and spot a clothes hamper. It's laying on top.

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