Chapter 24

189 6 9

Age 17

POV Jesse

"Jesse, set the stove to medium heat and butter the pan," Francine instructs.

After getting thrown into a few different foster homes, Radar asked his Grandma if she would foster me. Luckily, she was qualified and wanted to take me in. She even taught me a few cooking tips.

She treats me like her own grand child, something I have never experienced before.

I never met any of my real grandparents, but I assume they would see me as Amanda's mistake.


Grandma Francine sets the table while I dish the stir fry and clam chowder soup.

Grandma Francine, Radar, and I take a seat and dig in.

"Wow Jesse, you didn't burn it this time," Radar cheers.

"If you want, I will burn it next time," I say under my breath as I eat my food.

It's great having someone who is like a brother to me. We don't really fight, but we do pick on eachother. It is a completely different dynamic than what me and Hadrian had. What he did to me a few years ago wasn't right. He doesn't even look my way when we pass eachother in the hallways of school. Probably for the best.

Fuck Hadrian. I think he didn't get to graduate last year and has to redo his Senior year. I only wish he graduated so I didn't have to see him ever. There is still the chance of us having class together because of electives and extra requirements. Maybe it is stupid for me to hold a grudge.

Radar snaps me out of thought, "OH, Jesse. I just remembered that I saw a summer job listing for Beacon Theme Park. They are paying 13 dollars an hour for ride operators and they provide on site training. I was wondering if you wanted to do it with me?"

It does seem like really good pay, and the park it about 30 minutes away.

"Sure, why not. I can even pay for half the gas," I resopond with enthusiasm. "Wait, is it alright with you, Grandma Francine?"

"Of course. You boys need to get some footing in life before you are faced head on with the real world," Grandma Francine answers, "I remember when I was a little girl, getting my first job as a waitress at the local diner. My mother and father didn't approve."

"Did they think you were going to run off?" I ask.

"Haha, I wish. Times were a little different back then. The girls were raised to become housewives while the boys were raised to be providers for the family. My father was the one who allowed me to work. He knew it couldn't hurt to let his daughter gain working experience."

"What if you lived alone? How would you provide for yourself?" I ask.

"I would have lived with my parents until they found a suitable man to marry me", Grandma Francine says sadly.

"But that didn't happen, did it?" I can't imagine what it would be like to have my parents make every decision about my life.

"Hell no. I worked and worked and chose when to marry and chose if I wanted kids."

"Oh. I'm assuming you had kids, but it was because you wanted to," I say.

"Me and my husband had two daughters. That was enough for me. There was no reason for me a to have 4 or 5 kids. But we wouldn't have aborted if there were more."

"I wish I could have a good life too," I say, scraping my plate with my fork.

"As long as you enjoy what you have and do in life, I am sure you will have a good life. It will be hard at times, but worth it in the end." She smiles a little and glances at Radar.

I kind of want to be a chef. It seems so thrilling to cook food from scratch without a recipe. I could try to work at a restaurant or even get an apprenticeship from the local chefs.

After diner, I start writing a letter for my dad. Thanks to grandma Francine, I was able to get the mailing address for my Dad's prison.

I write about how I can't wait to see him and how highschool is going okay for me. I slip in my contact information and seal the letter. I put a stamp on it and put it in the mailbox out front.

"Hey, I printed out the job application for you. Try to fill it out before Wednesday so I can mail both of ours in," Radar says through my cracked room door.

"Yeah yeah." I reply. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes.

I miss you, Dad.

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