Chapter 18

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POV Jesse

My life has been a fucking nightmare these past few weeks.

Day 1 (Saturday):
I was told I had to share a room with Ray's son Hadrien. Amanda forced me to take a shower, but then made me wear heavily worn clothing. She FUCKING threw out my perfectly good hoodie.

Day 2 (Sunday):
Ray made me help carry in new furniture, and then wouldn't let me sit on any of it. He threw glass bottles at me when I tried.

Day 3 (Monday):
First day of "School". None of the students and teachers gave a damn. I didn't find anyone to be friends with. Too many intimidating people at one time.

Day 4 (Tuesday):
Realized teachers' homework could all be completed during school. After school, I worked up the courage to go door to door and asked if people need yardwork or housework done. I earned a whole $4 for mowing a lawn, cleaning dishes, and moving some furniture. Atleast it's something.

Day 5 (Wednesday):
Mevia, Ray's 12 year old daughter, stole my $4. She rubbed it in my face before I left for school. School wasn't so bad. I met this guy named Radar. He looked out of place, and seemed scared when I sat next to him during lunch.

I learned Radar switched high schools because of some people from his old high school. He didn't get into any details, but he kept mentioning a girl. I think her name started with an 'S'.

Tried working for people again, but this time, no one wanted to pay me or people would shut the door on me.

Day 6 (Tuesday):
Me and Radar talked some more. Found no work. Hadrien blasted the ac, too cold to get a good nights rest.

For the next 7 days, I couldn't find any work, but Radar kept my spirits up. I tried asking random people in the neighborhood about what they would pay me to do. The only things that wouldn't interfere with school were nighttime babysitting for more than 3 kids, full weekend yard labor, and bjs to drunk, over weight, old men.

The following weekend:
I baby sat a baby, a three year old, a seven year old, and an eleven year old Friday(day 16) night. I got paid $8 to watch those kids for four and a half hours. Let's just say I am NOT doing that ever again. Saturday and Sunday, I did a total of twelve hours of manual labor to earn $17. That gets me to $25.

Day 19 (Monday):
I find out Radar lives only a 30 minute walk away from Ray's house. Tired from all that yard work. Ray threw a thinner glass bottle at me.

My arm gets cut and bruised.

Next week and a half:
Only got $25 more dollars. I still needed $100 more.

Day 29 (Wednesday):
Second to last day before I had to give Amanda my money. Mevia eats the rest of the cereal. Radar gave me a granola bar during third period. Right after school, I tired to do any house work for any amount of money. Wow, a whole $5 dollars after searching for Two and a half hours.

I lost any sort of integrity that I had left. The next house a drunk, old guy answered. I said I would give him a bj for $25. He invited me inside his house. Smelt like b.o. and beer. He had said something like, "Look, you are still a kid and are not a woman. I am a decent human being. I think. I'll give you $25 dollars to clean all the grim that is in my sink."

After he paid me, he said, "I don't know what you need the money for, but atleast you made the $25 honestly. There are some real perverts out there who really want to take advantage of kids like yourself, the kids who didn't grow up here.

I took his advice.

Amanda slapped me across the face for coming home too late.

Now let's talk about the present time, day 30. I couldn't focus at school today because I didn't know how I was going to get $95. I lost all of my hope. Amanda slaps me all the time and Ray has thrown quite a few glass bottles at me.

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