Chapter 1

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POV Lukas

I sit at my desk and jot notes in my journal. I chew on the eraser as I think about what I want to write next.

It's weird having alone time. I usually am hanging out with my friends. Most often being Jesse, one of my best friends. We don't really get along well with each other's friends, but that doesn't keep us from hanging out. Other people don't like my friends because they are kind of rude and like to poke fun at students with disabilities and other weird things.

People don't even try to be my friend because they think I am just like them. No one knows me, except for Jesse. He knows I have a passion for writing and that I try to do good in school.

I am taking notes for a short story I am going to write. Hopefully, the action and adventure will make it a good one. Since Jesse is coming over later, I'll have him check over my notes. We both do fairly well in school. Well more than fairly well. I guess we just care about moving on. Unlike Aiden, I focus in class. I wouldn't even call me and Aiden friends. Just acquaintances because I don't want to be rude to people that are a little misguided.

I check me phone. 4:00 p.m. I really do enjoy the peace and quiet right now, but I have an even better time when I'm hanging out with Jesse, my actual friend. We crack jokes, dance, write stories, play video games, and just have a great time overall.

I make more notes for about 30 minutes, but then I get interrupted by the obnoxious ding of the door bell. I sigh.

I run to the front door to see who rudely broke my focus. Jesse of course. I immediately forgive him.

"Come in Jesse," I say firmly opening the door. My sweater over a long sleeved shirt looks like a totally different style from Jesse's.

Jesse is wearing his signature crimson hoodie. His unusual, familiar green eyes brighten as I pull out the journal from behind my back.

"Finally Lukas, I've been dying to read your notes!" Jesse says. Me and Jesse head upstairs where we can concentrate, spending a couple hours revising and editing the notes.

"Dude Lukas, that fight scene is so gory and detailed. I fucking love it," Jesse comments.

"You can't leave out the best part," I chuckle.

"I loved it so far! Everything is so carefully planned out and written very well," Jesse says, giving me more confidence in my notes.

As we revise and edit, Jesse ends up laughing is ass off. Every good book needs to have some comedy. Of course, I don't find the jokes and puns that funny. I end up laughing with Jesse anyway.

Jesse obnoxiously laughs his ass off.

"Jesse that's the fifth or sixth time we had to stop. We only went over two pages," I laugh and drop the book.

A message pops up on Jesse's phone.
"Lukas, my dad wants me to go home for dinner. Sorry we didn't get through too much. I'll come over tomorrow. Bye!" Jesse says, heading out of the room.

"See ya," I say before closing my bedroom door. I look at all the revision we made along the margins. I laugh to myself.. This is indeed such a mess. I smile as I think of all the closer times he and I spent together.

Wait, why am I thinking of Jesse in that way? I know we are best friends. But it's a little unusual. We are just friends. Friends. Friends. Friends.
I ponder about the word 'friends'.
I'm not even sure what I feel. It's so confusing to me. What am I? An image of me and Jesse making out pops in my head. No! No no no no no. NO! This isn't right. Why do I think he looks cute? Well that's putting it lightly. No. Calm down. I just need some rest. My brain is probably just strained. That's all.

I take a break from my journal. I turn on some random anime. I half listen to the anime, and half listening to my own thoughts about me and Jesse.

I eat dinner with my parents. My parents have a fairly normal table conversation. They never really ask me anything besides 'how was your day?'.

After dinner, I take a steamy shower.

I let out a sigh. I don't have much self esteem. I look at myself and study the scrawny and lanky frame I was given. A couple warm tears flow down my face and onto my hands.

Why am I such a mistake? I'll be alone forever. No one wants me. I groan and hit my forehead. Why am I so not appealing. I mean Jesse is.... I'm having really messed up thoughts I don't know what to do. I pull my hair in frustration. I'm only fourteen, why am I stressing myself over nothing?

More tears stream from my baby blue eyes. I sit down on the floor of the shower for about five minutes. I get out, wrap my towel around my waist, and sprint to my room.

There, I dry off and put on a fresh pair of clothes. More specific, sleep attire.

I wrap myself up in my comforter. Even more tears flow. I silently gasp between hiccups.

What is wrong with me? Am I disrespecting everyone if I do like Jesse? Am I being a disgraced to my parents if I am gay? I grip my pillow. Am I even supposed to be here? I release my grip on the pillow. Maybe I'm just crazy. Or... maybe I have to face the fact that I might just be gay. Maybe it's okay to like Jesse. I calm down and fall asleep.

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