Chapter 19

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This takes place at the end of Freshman year.

POV Lukas

Geez, this year flew by so fast. It does make me kinda sad because I can't spend it with one of my best friends.

I'm having Aiden and Corry come over to my house after school today. Yesterday, we completed out final exams and today will just be our 'goodbyes' for the summer.

I hastily throw on a striped t-shirt and shorts before walking to the bus stop.

It's so weird that my first year of high school went by so fast. It feels like just yesterday that Jesse and I were walking to the bus stop ready for our first day of high school.

At school, I say my farewells to Caroline and Petra.

When I get home, my parents are working in their office, as usual. I throw my bookbag onto the floor of my room. Suddenly, I hear my mom's haste footsteps approaching my door.

She swings the door and scolds me, "LUKAS! You do not pay for this house. You have no right to be slamming things just because you're a teenager."

"It was my bookbag," I manage to reply while looking at the floor.

"I don't want to hear attitude from you. Do you want to have your friends over or not? I had enough."

"M-mom, what did I do?"

"That's not how you talk to your mother! You say 'understood, ma'am' and move on."

My mom never tells me what I do to make her so mad at me. I hardly even speak to her and I guess that pisses her off.

"I don't think you understand how abusive you are. You yell at me but never explain where I went wrong. You and dad have never been there for me. I was able to talk to Jesse's dad more than I could talk to you guys. You don't care about me. My age isn't the reason for what I say or do. I am saying this because you have pushed me around all my life. No mom, 'I had enough'."

I turn away from her and walk over to my bed. "And just so you know, I am gay."

"I don't have time for this right now," She walks back to the office, "Keep your door opened at all times when your friends get here."

I guess I came out to her, but she really thinks I'm inviting my friends over so we can do some hanky panky. I think I really got to her because she could have found a few more seconds to scream at me again.

I hear my parents muffled voices.

"Lukas just told me that he is gay."

"Well, what should we do Sierra?"

"He's not in our way most of the time. Maybe we just leave him be."

"At least we don't have to worry about him becoming a teen father. We could tell him that we are fine with it."

"I guess your right, Charlie. But I just feel so bad. We were never there for him and I don't know if we can start now. We hurt him for too long."

"We are not cut out to be parents. Maybe we should have Andrew look after him."

Wait. They now what to bring my uncle back into our house? They pushed him away when he told them that he was bisexual.

"We can try to reach him after work."

A loud ring breaks through the muffled voices. I run down the stairs and open the front door.

"Hi, Lukas," Aiden greets me as I close the door behind him.

We go to my room and he drops his bag on the floor.

I tell Aiden about everything that had went down not even ten minutes ago.

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