Chapter 14 (part 1)

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POV Lukas

Summer is over, and school started last week. Jesse and I spent the last month of our vacation as boyfriends. I love spending time with Jesse, but now we do not have as much time.

I never told my parents about me being gay. I want Jesse to be with me when I tell them. My parents are always at work, which prevented me from having a strong relationship with them. At least I know I can talk to Jesse's dad.

Jesse and I only have two classes together, gym and history. We don't even have the same lunch. Our electives are completely different, I am interested in literature and writing and Jesse is interested in singing and cooking.

We decided to keep our relationship in private, it just draws in too much attention and drama. Well, I assume relationships do.

School is okay, but there are too many new faces. There is a huge difference between having class with random people from your grade and having class with random people from every grade. It makes me really anxious.

At least I won't run into Aid-

"Faggot," Aiden whispers into my ear.

I turn to look at him, but he is already walking away, and laughing with his friends.

Maybe I could try to get him to stop by talking to him. I run to catch up with Aiden. "Aiden," I say nervously.

"What do you want?" Aiden rolls his eyes.

"Can you come over to my house tomorrow?" This may turn out really bad.

"In your dreams gay boy," Aiden speeds up his pace.

"I just want to hangout, that's all. I was going to invite Jesse too. If you don't want Jesse there, I won't invite him. Please."

"You know what? Fine." Aiden says as he crosses the hall to get to his class.

. . .

I finally get home and rush to get my homework done. I call Jesse to tell him my plan.

"Be careful! I will miss you," Jesse's voice rings from my phone.

"I will miss you too." This may be the first weekend that we are not seeing eachother.

"I love you!"

"Love you. . . Bye," my voice trails off.

"Bye, I will really miss you."

"Bye." I feel sad for some reason. We will see eachother in three days.

"I'm going to think about you every night."


"Dirty stuff."

"Bye. . ."I miss him already. Tear form at the corners of my eyes.


"Bye. . . ."

"Even more sex."

"Bye." I cry into the phone and hang up.

He always says what comes to his mind. I love how random he is, and how he uses that to not say 'bye'.

He is not ashamed about anything, and I love that.

I wish I was able to yell into the phone that I was going to dream about having sex with the other person on the line. As a joke, of course.

Aiden and I have been best friends in the past, I just don't understand why he has to be so negative towards me and Jesse.

I don't really have a plan for tomorrow. I guess I will just hangout with Aiden until he realizes that we can still be friends.

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