Chapter 32

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Jesse and Radar are 22.

POV Jesse

Me and Radar wait patiently in the hospital waiting room. Francine has been in and out of the hospital these past few months, and it's not looking so well. The doctors found a malignant tumor in her brain, and have to move carefully due to her age and medical history.

Radar had told me that his grandma had lung and heart problems in the past, which affect which kinds of medicine she can take and such.

She was always nice to me. She treated me like her own grandson, and I couldn't have asked for a better family to stay with. The doctors have been preparing us for the worst, and Radar isn't taking it so well. She is basically his whole family. I do cry when I think about the worst, with losing Francine, and seeing Radar lose his family.

I appreciate everything she has done for me, but she wants me to be able to move on so I can finally have my Dad back. My Dad didn't teach me secret family recipes or how to cook with basic ingredients, but he always loved me and tried to spend time with me.

I always remember that I need to work hard so then I will be able to be reunited with my Dad.

"We are going to be preparing your grandmother for the big surgery. She wants to speak with you guys," A doctor informs us.

We follow him back to Francine's room. She looks so miserable.

"I want you boys to promise that this outcome won't stop you from living your life," she coughs.

"Please don't talk like that," Radar sobs.

"You were always a cryer, I'm surprised your not a homosexual."

I grin at Francine.

"Jesse, please promise me that you will go back to your Dad now that you are done with your training."

"I will, Francine. I miss him so much, and I will miss you guys too when I leave."

We hug Francine. She whispers something to Radar, he hugs her again and steps away.

"Thank you for being such wonderful grandchildren. Whatever happens to me is for a reason, none of us have control over my life or death."

My eyes water a little. Radar gives a little wave and we head out to the parking lot.

"Can you drive?" Radar asks and holds out his keys.

"Sure," I reply and start the car. I carefully drive us back to Francine's house.

When we get back, me and Radar take a seat on the living room couch.

"Hey. I think I want to move back to New Jersey," I say, breaking the silence.


"I really miss my dad. When Francine is done with her surgery, maybe we could take a trip to Jersey and you can help me move in."


I grab ahold of Radar. "Francine will be fine."

Radar cries. I tried to convince myself that there would be no bad outcome, but I cry too. "We've got to stay strong."

"I know I know. But I just. She is all I have left."

"You have me," I say.

"Yeah, but I can't just move to New Jersey. What about Isa, have you told her?

"No, but I hope Isa doesn't get bummed out about me going back home," I say sadly.

I decide to call Isa and catch her up on what is going on. She asks to come over and talk to me, I say no. There is alot going on, and I want her to be happy with friends from Chicago.

I just want to be able to have my life back. I am nothing without my Dad. Radar is always amazed by my ability to hide my emotion lately, I see it as a call for help. And there is only one way for me to get help.

I go to my room and throw my clothes and other belongings onto the bed. I search the kitchen for two trash bags; one for my clothes and one for all the other crap.

I toss those in the trunk of Radar's car. Radar doesn't know, but Francine is actually having Milo and Isa looking after her for after her surgery. She wanted me to go home and help my dad for when he gets out of prison.

And my chef training, well I was done with that a few months ago, I was actually working as one of the cooks at the diner.

"You ready?" I ask.

Radar realizes what I'm doing. He's shocked. "But what about-"

"Everything will be fine. We are going on a road trip, though you will have to go back on your own." I walk out the door.

Radar gets dressed and locks the house door. I hop in the passenger seat and Radar takes the wheel.

I set up the GPS and we begin the drive.

Me and Radar talk for a little while. Now I can only think about Francine. She has helped me so much, God damn sadness. The weather outside doesn't help. Cloudy, with a little rain now and again.

All of a sudden, Radar's phone starts ringing. I check the caller, Isa.

Isa begins talking. Her voice sound sad. "Radar, Jesse, Francine she. The cancer, it's really bad," she begins crying," the surgery...". Her sobs grow louder.

I see tears form at the corners of Radar's eyes.

"WAS A SUCCESS! The cancer was murdered! Milo yells.

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