Chapter 3

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A month passes, their relationship hasn't moved to the next level.

Lukas's pov

It's a rainy, Friday night, me and Jesse are scribbling notes in my journal once again.

I wouldn't mind if Jesse would stop writing and kiss me already. I know he doesn't like me in that way, but a guy can dream.

My story is coming along nicely. Well, the notes. I will soon be ready to start writing that first draft.
My eyelids sag as my writing becomes a little more sloppy.

"Are you serious Lukas? You're falling asleep," Jesse says. I lean against Jesse, drooling on his arm.

POV Jesse

I lean Lukas against the wall and take the pencil from him. I put away the book. As I make space on his bookshelf, I come across Lukas's diary.

I'm going to read it. Who wouldn't?

As I flip through a few pages, I see that the entries are in chronicalogical order. I scan through some of his recent entries, hoping for the chance to see what he thinks about me.

After reading some of these entries, I see that he doesn't reciprocate my feelings. He mostly wrote short skits. And of the entries that are actually about him, he hardly mentions me.

I should just let this go. I steal a black piece of paper and scribble a few words on it. I jam the paper in my bag before putting the journal back. I lie down in my sleeping bag and go to sleep.

I am suddenly awakened by Lukas shaking me. I open my eyes to be met with a blinding stream of sunlight.

"God, I'm up," I yawn and flick Lukas off.

"Whatever dude," Lukas says, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

I start to take off my shirt.

"What are you doing?" Lukas asks, making me freeze.

"Changing. We're two dudes. It's fine. It's not like I'm a girl. It should be the other way around," I tease.

"Fuck you," Lukas says getting his own swim trunks.

While Lukas changes, I give him a quick glance.

Lukas isn't one of the hmmm... strong people? He's a normal weight for being 14, but has no muscle definition. People have always joked that if I were gay, I probably would go for the buff football players. Which is totally wrong because I am falling for the cutest dork there is. God, I can't believe I haven't noticed this... feeling I get around him. He makes me smile and blush and I like it.

Me and Lukas go swimming in his pool for a few hours.

After we're done, me and Lukas run back up to his room. We face opposite directions to change out of our swimwear. I take off my trunks and fling them across the room, and that wins a few laughs from Lukas.

"Dammit," I mumble because I realized none of my clothes are near me. I really like Lukas, and these feelings are so overwhelming.

⚠️May be uncomfortable for some⚠️

I tiptoe behind Lukas, who is only in his boxers at the moment, and I wrap my arms around Lukas, who's eyes widen in response. I press myself against his body. Blood surges through my vains.

"Jesse.... you are naughty," Lukas says in a low, seductive tone.

We're Just Two Bros (M Jesse X Lukas)Where stories live. Discover now