Chapter 12

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POV Jesse

I've been enjoying my summer so far, despite the fact that Aiden is out to murder me and Lukas.

Lukas and I have just been friends. It has been really difficult for me to... resist. He is amazing, but young love never lasts. I feel as though we are soulmates. Is that so wrong?

Maybe it is best if we wait.

I shovel another depressing spoonful of cornflakes into my mouth.

I think I might have found a new hobbie. Last week, I was taking a shower. Out of nowhere, I started singing about Lukas. I had written down the lyrics I remembered, which were amazing. Now I just keep sing. I think I love singing.

The song is too embarrassing to sing to him. My Dad heard me a few times. I didn't want him to know that I was singing my heart out for Lukas.

Okay... so maybe my song is a mix of alot of songs and some of my own lyrics. I'm a mess.

The notification sound of my phone goes off. I turn on my phone to take a glance.

It is a Instagram message, from Aiden.

What does he want? He could have killed me. Over what... Lukas not telling him that we were holding hands. That is none of Aiden's business.

Aiden- You guys made a huge mistake. Too bad word spreads quickly.

I click on his profile and hit 'block'.

I don't care about Aiden's stupid games.

Mine and Lukas's business is not for Aiden's snotty nose. It's not like he ever kissed Lukas.

At least it is still summer. I invited Lukas to go roller skating in a few hours. I have that to look forward to.


"Wwwwooohh," Lukas says as he falls against a chair. "How do you do it? Seriously, you are using blades and staying up fine."

I grin as he sits down on the floor.

"Do you want help?" I laugh, "first, try to balance." I move over to Lukas and hold my hands out.

Lukas grips onto my hands as I pull him to his feet. His legs wobble, and his hand grip tightens.

"I-I don't think I can do this," fear sparks his eyes, "I'm gonna fall!" Lukas looses his balance and grabs ahold of me for support. But that also pulls me to the floor too.

"Lukas," I look directly at him, "don't worry so much. I will show you how to skate."

Lukas gives me a firm nod.

Lukas and I go out on the rink. Lukas uses my arm for balance while I keep mine.

"D-D-D do not let go," Lukas says with a shaky voice.

"Hey, you are the one holding on to me," I joke.

We manage to make one loop. I have a good, and maybe fun, idea."I know you can't skate fast. So, you can hold onto my arm tight, and don't let go. All you have to do is keep your skates on the ground."

We skate over to a wall. I let Lukas hold my right arm so he has extra support if he needs it. "Please don't let me fall," Lukas mumbles.

"I won't," I say as we move forward.

We skate for a little while before the rink closes. My Dad is going to pick us up in an hour, giving us time to have fun at the arcade.

"I am a pro at that one," Lukas says as he points to a ticket claw machine.

We're Just Two Bros (M Jesse X Lukas)Where stories live. Discover now