Chapter 6

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POV Jesse

My parents fight all the time now, and each time seems to get more violent. I can't invite Lukas over and who knows what he would say about it. I don't want him to feel in danger while he's over.

Apparently my dad came home from work and found my mom in bed with another man while I was at school. My dad's night shift job gives my mom freedom during the night till the afternoon. My mom says how the other guy is better than my dad. My dad doesn't want me to be around my mom because she ran off before.

I love my mom... but she started buying alcohol more often and sometimes she drinks a couple of bottles in a night. When she gets drunk, she is very violent and it scares me. I know they are planning to get the divorce papers. I want to help my mom but anything I say she just ignores. She just keeps getting worse and worse.

I run downstairs to see what my mom is doing, but I dont see her anywhere. She left her phone on the couch so she's probably in the bathroom. From here, I see the bathroom door wide open and the lights are off.

"Mom?" I say. No response. God, why does she leave all the time. She never tells anyone where she's going and leave her phone. I hear my phone buzz in the distance so I run back upstairs, forgetting about my mom.

It's Lukas.

Lukas- Hey,

I dont know what he wants, it's late right now.

Me- hey

Lukas- I'm sorry about yesterday

Me- It's ok Lukas, you needed to talk to someone.

Lukas-I kind of put you on the spot...

Me- don't worry about it

I took it as sort of a causal talk... like a therapist. I laugh to my self. Why does he have to apologize so much?

Lukas- are you sure? I feel bad that I said so much and cried to you for approval. I'm really sorry

Me- I will talk to you tomorrow. Bye

Lukas- bye.

I feel really bad for him. But I just remembered my mom might be missing, so I should probably get back to that.

I don't know where to find her. I run all over the house, seeing if she passed out and didn't hear my calls.

I don't see her. My heart speeds up, I freak out. 'Where's mom?!' My brain repeats. I hope she is at the store or something. I sit on the couch and wait.

30 minutes pass, nothing.

2 hours pass, still no mom. I drift off, my eyes falling every second. I am about to fall asleep but then a car pulls up, and two loud people walk into the house.

Mom? And that man. I don't know his name.

"Is this the twerp you were telling me about?" The mysterious man laughs stumbling over his words.

They can barely walk, I'm assuming they're shitfaced.

"Y-you never see him.. h-he's always playing around with Lukas, the little fag," My mom stutters laughing with the man.

I run up to my room. I can't stand them, making fun of me and Lukas.

I am tired, physically and mentally. I fall asleep to the sound of drunk movement on the floor below.

The next morning is well... rough. I'm afraid of my mom and her "friend". I don't know what to do. I think I should spend the day at Lukas's. I turn on my phone to text him.

Me- do you mind me coming over? It's rough at my house and I need to get out of here

I lay in my bed for about ten minutes. I get the text from Lukas.

Lukas- of course

Me- I'll be on my way

Lukas has been on my mind lately. I want to be free of these feelings and be... normal?

I know that I can't make these feeling vanish. Who knows how long I will have them? They haunt me. It's not necessarily the fact that I might be gay that I am scared of, it is more of the fact that I like my best friend.

I climb out of bed and throw on my hoodie. I'm assuming my mom is sleeping, so I can try to leave quickly without running into her.

I run downstairs and out of my house to go to Lukas's. I see Lukas sitting on his front porch. "Hey," I say, focusing my gaze on his bright, blue eyes once more.

Lukas stands up and leads me up to his room.

I think back to my feeling. God it overwhelms me sometimes. I do think Lukas is cute. Isn't that obvious?

"I played Skyrim for hours last night. I almost completed the dawngaurd questline before I fell asleep(...)" Lukas says, describing his amazing journeys in the world of Skyrim. I enjoy listening to his tales, they seem so real and exciting when he describes them.

The constant eye contact makes me feel weird. I get lost in his beautiful, blue eyes and his voice puts me in a state of tranquility.

Lukas continues talking about his fantastical journeys for another hour.

I remembered that I didn't eat breakfast when my stomach makes a loud growl.

"Did you eat?" Lukas laughs, not knowing that I didn't have breakfast.

"I basically came right here after you told me I could. I didn't want to encounter my mom," I say and then we walk into the kitchen.

"Okay! So you can have cereal or you could make something since you do like to cook.

I knew this, but it's nice he knows what I am interested in. "You know what? I am going to make some French toast. Do you want some?" I ask.

"Sure, why not," Lukas replies. "I appreciate people who can cook a good meal other than my mom."

Lukas shows me where they keep their utensils and the different ingredients that I will need.

Lukas watches me as I prepare our French toast.

Maybe that's why I like him. I like that he actually is interested in what his friends like to do. He also is a great listener. Even if we never become more than friends, I'm glad I have such an awesome friend.

Lukas smiles at me and I get lost in his eyes. I smile back, and not a single word is spoken between us for a good minute. The ding of the timer snaps me out of thought and I plate our food.

We sit at the table and I wait for him to take the first bite.

"This is the best I have ever had! You have to make this again!" Lukas compliments. I look at him and smile.

"I'm really glad you like it. I wanted to be able to make stuff my friends like and by far, this recipe took me two weeks to get the final product to this point," I say, smiling but avoiding eye contact.

I know French toast is not exactly his favorite, but I love it. Maybe liking Lukas isn't so bad. He made my awful day fantastic by letting me make my favorite breakfast and getting my mind off of my mom.

We're Just Two Bros (M Jesse X Lukas)Where stories live. Discover now