Chapter 68

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The two songs that inspired this chapter where 'Stand by You by Marlisa Punzalan' and 'Learn to Love again by Lawson'



Phil exited the interrogation room, closing the door behind him. A few seconds later he heard it lock.

“What are we going to do?” Melinda asked, several feet down from him.

Phil turned his attention onto his fiancee who was walking towards him, tablet in hand. Phil knew that Melinda would have been watching the conversation between Grant and himself. “So you saw all that,” he spoke, slumping his shoulders.

Melinda gave a nod of the head, hugging the tablet. “So …”

“I believe him,” Phil stated with a heavy sigh. “It would explain a lot about his personality and why he was so closed off when first joining. He could’ve just waited until Hydra made it’s reveal and took us out, but he came to me, Mel. I believe that he wants to try and stop this. He wants to protect us - Skye. I still cannot believe that John is apart of that or what he did to Ward before joining S.H.I.E.L.D. He had the opportunity to turn that kid’s life around, but instead uses him like that,” anger mixed with disgust evident in the sneior agent's voice. 

Melinda placed her free hand on her partner's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “I always knew there was something about that man that wasn’t right. Phil, what are we going to tell -”

“Bug!” Phil acknowledged in surprise as his daughter came into sight from around the corner.

“Hey guys,” Skye greeted her parents, spotting them standing just off from the interrogation room. She wasn’t sure why they were here since they didn’t have any current prisoners on the bus. She had come searching for them a few minutes ago after waking up from the couch alone and was surprised not to find her father in the kitchen for their late night talk. “Is everything okay?” she asked with curiosity. “Have you seen Ward? He’s not in my bunk and his S.O is passed out in his.”

Phil and Melinda shared a concerned look, before turning their attention back on their daughter.

Skye sensed the instant apprehension coming from her parents. Something was wrong? She felt a sick feeling settle in her stomach. “Okay … what’s going on?” she asked with disquiet, stopping a few feet before her parents.

“Bug,” Phil spoke gently. “There is something that we have to tell you,” he expressed, placing a hand on her shoulder. God, this was gonna hurt her. How was he going to tell her?

Skye could feel the apprehension getting stronger from her father’s touch. They were in the air and it was the middle of the night. It’s not like he could go anywhere. “Where’s Grant?” she asked, just knowing something was wrong.

“Let him tell her,” Melinda voiced as she turned her attention the tablet in front of her and unlocked the interrogation room. “She needs to hear it from him in order to believe.”

Skye looked from her father, to her mother and back again. “Hear what?” she questioned, turning her attention towards the interrogation door. “Is he in there? Why is he in there?”

Phil turned towards the door and opened it. He then stepped aside.


Grant had his eyes shut closed when he heard the door unlock. Phil had told him that he would have to wait in here until he sorted some things out. Grant knew that meant that he would remain in here until he was taken someone to be dealt with. He wanted to believe the senior agent when he said it wasn’t to late to save him, but Grant knew it was.

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