Chapter Sixteen

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The Bus - 23:23 - Kitchen Area

Skye absent-mindedly stirred her choc mint tea as she thought back to the events of today. One hell of a day that it had been. It had started normal enough, she had gotten up at the crack of dawn and did her morning Tai-Chi with Agent May, Agent Romanoff joining them. Then she had her spar session with her S.O, which had been a lot of fun. Then they had stopped by the classified S.H.I.E.L.D prison in the Mojave Desert and dropped off Ian Quinn, and picked up Agent Barton. Time had passed then around lunch time Barton dropped by the kitchen where her and Grant were having lunch and started divulging stories about their boss upon her request. Not long later Jemma and Leo had stopped by and joined in on the conversation. A little while later their team leader had called Agent May to his office and then some time later she started feeling pain. Agent May had passed the kitchen and that’s when it really hit her.

After her long nap thanks to Jemma’s sedative and waking up in her bunk with her S.O causing her to explain what happened earlier and divulging a big part of herself to Grant. They shared a tender moment. She was glad that her S.O finally knew that part of her. She liked him - alot, maybe was even in love with him and one day if they were to cross that line, Skye wanted him to love her back - all of her.

Skye released a heavy sigh as she removed the spoon from her mug and placed it in the sink. She then picked up her hot drink and walked towards the breakfast bar. She placed the mug on the countertop and plopped down on the stool. Skye slid her hands around the mug and felt the warm heat coming from him. Since she couldn’t sleep, she had decided on a cup of camomile tea, hoping it would help her sleep.

Skye picked up her mug and bought it to her lips. She inhaled the sweet aroma before taking a sip, the sweet taste lit up her tastebuds. She only even drunk tea when she was sick or couldn’t sleep, it was like comfort to her. A moment later Skye placed the mug back down on the countertop as her thoughts took over again. The rest of day had gone by in a blur until Agents May and Romanoff went on their classified mission. There had been that brief talk between Grant and her about his thing with Agent May, but after their boss and Agent Barton had entered the room all focus had been on the mission. Things seemed to be going okay until Skye had felt the sharp pain and knew that Melinda had been shot. Skye still couldn’t understand how she felt that from so far away, but she had.

Skye took another sip of her mint choc tea as she closed her eyes and the older Chinese woman’s wounded image popped into her head. She could still see the look on her bosses face as he watched Jemma doing everything she could to stabilize the older woman. Skye knew that their team leader was in love with Melinda, it was obvious that the two had past that they never discussed. They had a bond, a closeness and strong feelings for one another. Skye had been sensing them for the last few months. It was an intense passionate feeling that both of them let off when they were in the same room, you couldn’t tell by looking at them though. They were always so cool and collect.

Skye still couldn’t believe that Melinda May, the strongest woman she knew and respected was in a coma. Had come close to dying. Skye felt a wave of emotion wash over her, silent tears rolling down her cheeks as she thought about the older woman. The doctor had said that the bullet had missed her heart by millimetres. It was scary to think how close they come to losing her. Skye hadn’t realized how close she had gotten to the older woman until tonight, until she almost lost her from her life.

A sob escaped the hacktivist throat as more tears poured from her eyes. She couldn’t stop the tears and wasn’t sure if she wanted to. A minute later she sensed a familiar presents only moments before she heard his voice.  

“Skye?” her S.O’s voice came from a metres away.

Skye quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and cleared her throat. “Uh-huh?” she responded, keeping her eyes on her mug. She couldn’t face him right now.

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