Chapter 74

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The Bus - 11:54am - Kitchen

Melinda entered the open kitchen/ common area, noticing that the team were starting to surface since they would still be on Canada time, which would be early morning there since their current located was five hours ahead of Canadian time. She had landed the Bus several minutes ago.

She walked passed the five young agents as she made her way into the small kitchen area and towards her fiancé. Jemma and Leo were sitting in the little booth in the common area just off the kitchen while Skye was seated at the breakfast bar opposite her father. Grant was tending to pancakes on the hotplate and Antoine looked to cutting up a large fruit salad. There was no sight of John Garrett yet.

"Morning Mo-May," Skye greeted in a chipper tone before picking up her mug of coffee as her watched her mother and father across from her.  

Melinda stopped beside Phil as he held out a steaming mug. She accepted it with a grateful smile before turning her attention frontal and locking her gaze on her daughter. "Skye," she greeted back, warmly.

"Any particular reason that we're at the hub," Jemma pipped up before bringing her cup of tea to her lips. 

"And how long will we be here for?" Leo added, slight excitement lacing his tone.

Phil shifted his gaze from his daughter and switched it to the two young scientist, knowing their real question was 'can we go out and play'. A smile licked his lips. "Not sure yet," he answered honestly. "But you can spend some time in the labs while here, just keep your phones on you and we'll let you know an hour before we plan to leave."

Jemma and Leo lit up. "Yes Sir," they replied, concurrently. They loved their little lab, but they missed the bigger ones they were used to working in and The Hub had one of the best lab's S.H.I.E.L.D had to offer.

Phil switched his attention back onto his daughter who was looking past him and into the kitchen, watching Grant fondly. "What about you, Skye? Gonna do a little exploring - see what trouble you can get into," he teased a smile slipped across his lips.

Skye had been watching Grant when she heard her father's voice and registered his question. She rolled her eyes. "Me and this place don't really have fond memories," she supplied as she placed with the locket around her neck.

"You're not under probation or wearing the monitoring bracelet this time," Melinda smirked as she bought her mug to her lips. "Just don't shoot any superior officers with an ICER and you'll be fine."

"I'm never going to live that down, em I?" Jemma muttered under her breath.

Skye bursted into laughter. "Not if I have anything to do with it."  

"It was all your fault," Jemma muttered from the booth. 

"Wait what?" Antoine called from the kitchen, placing the knife down as he looked towards the breakfast bar. "There is a story here," he supplied, folding his arms - grinning.

"Oh yeah," Grant commented with amusement as he flipped a few of the pancakes. 

Skye turned her attention towards the dark skinned Specialist. "Jemma once shot Agent Sitwell in the chest with a night-night gun when she was trying to get out of a lie," she revealed, grinning widely. "First she tried flirting with him by complementing his head."

Jemma lowered her head, fighting the blush that was creeping to her cheeks.

Leo placed a hand on her leg under the table, giving it a squeeze. "It was all Skye's fault," he defended, his accent coming out thick.

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