Chapter Forty Nine

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Brisbane, Aspley  - 13:33 p.m - Second Chance Estate

Phil Coulson and Melinda May were waiting in the foyer of the Second Chance Estate based in Aspley as they waited for Vanessa Hart to make her appearance. Phil was wearing his prop black frames that had a hidden camera built in. They were both wearing earwigs and had on watch listening devices so the team could be the eyes and ears back at the Bus. They were both dressed in black pant suits with a white button up shirts - usual FBI attire. Phil was wearing a black tie and Melinda had the top couple of buttons undone. Melinda had her hair pulled back into a high ponytail and was wearing black heels.

There was a hulk looking security guard dressed in a black fitted t-shirt and black cargo pants standing just off the door, watching them like a hawk. If he was carrying a weapon, it was concealed well.  

This estate had several security guards that patrolled it during twelve hours split shifts, so there was twenty four hour security. The two senior agents had already read over all their files and knew that they all had former military backgrounds, most of them had families of their own so they were dedicated to protecting the children within this foundation. 

“Good afternoon, Agents,” a young husky sounding New Yorker voice greeted them as she stood in between an open door. “I am sorry to keep you waiting, but I’ve been dealing with an important situation.” She shared, apprehension evident in her voice, but she masked it with a friendly smile. “I understand that you’re FBI agents. You’re a long way from Canberra,” she acknowledged.

Phil and Melinda pulled out their FBI badges in unison, flashing them. They knew that she would check them out to make sure they were who they say they were, luckily Emma knew someone who worked in that field office and was covering for them.  

“Good afternoon Mrs Hart,” Phil greeted with a friendly smile using an australian accent. “I’m Agent Billy Rosewood and this Agent Temperance Beckett,” he introduced their cover identities, gesturing to Melinda.

“Can we please go somewhere private to talk?” Melinda asked in a soft tone, using an australian accent. “This involves your husband.”

Vanessa’s eyes widened. “Liam?” she questioned, fear evident in her voice. It was never a good sign when feds or the police came to asked questions about someone you know. “Is he … okay?”

“We would like to talk to you in private,” Phil expressed, seriously.  

Vanessa slowly nodded her head and stepped aside. “Please, come in,” she expressed with a soft smile.

Phil and Melinda walked towards the office and walked through the doorway. Vanessa closed the door behind them.

Phil and Melinda let their eyes drift around the small room. It had one window on the right far side that let light drift in through the white lace see-through curtains. The left wall had a floor to ceiling bookcase filled with assorted novels and books. There was a small hidden camera in the top right corner directed towards the desk area. The desk had the basic - computer, printer, landline, a couple of photo frames and a few folders on it. There were a few filing cabinets just off the right of the desk, behind it.  

The wall behind the desk had several awards and licenses hanging up, all to do with the Second Chance Foundation.

Phil and Melinda knew that Vanessa Hart was a humanitarian and came from a wealthy background. She started the Second Chance Foundation with she was twenty four and open her first estate in New York. Her parents were billionaires, but were known for their generous charitable donations and causes along with the many hotels and resorts they owned around the world. Vanessa was an heiress and had been married to Liam Hart for seven years.

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