Chapter Twenty One

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Classified S.H.I.E.L.D Medical Facility

Room 108 - 12:04 am

Phil was watching the late night movie that was currently playing at a low volume as his fingers ran along Melinda’s arm in a soothing motion. His concentration was pulled from the television when he felt her move in his arms. Her head was resting on his chest and she was laying on her back since that was the only position that would be comfortable to her for a while.

Phil turned his eyes downwards on the beautiful woman sleeping in his arms. A moment passed before her eyes opened and she looked upwards, towards him. Their eyes fixed on another.

Melinda felt fuzzy. She knew it was expected from the heavy pain medication that she was currently on since getting shot. She had felt safe when she woke up in Phil’s arms. He always managed to make her feel that way. “Hey,” she whispered, her voice scratchy. She loved the feeling of his touch along her arm, it sent tingles through her. “W-what time is it?” she asked lifting her morphine drip attached hand to her face and running it across it.

Phil smiled down at her, warmly. “A little after midnight,” he told her on a soft tone. “How are you feeling?”

Melinda let out a sigh. “Tired and groggy,” she admitted as recent memories start filling her mind. “Where is Nat? She was shot? She got sh-ot in the leg and then he shot me when I went to check her. Nat shot him,” she supplied, her heart rate rising a little. Melinda didn’t remember much after getting shot, just vaguely remembered seeing Phil and him telling her to hold on and that he needed her. He had sounded so scared.

“Relax, Mel … they’re back on the bus,” he shared in a calm tone. “She and Clint left a couple of hours ago. Actually I kicked them out,” he admitted with a sheepish smile. “Told them to come back in the morning with the others since you would most likely sleep through the night. Skye said to tell you that they’re all glad you’re awake.”

Melinda absorbed in everything he was telling her. They were all worried about her? Skye? Had she felt her pain while she had been fighting for her life because of her ability? Had she caused the younger woman more unwanted pain? “How is Sk-ye?” she asked, her voice breaking a little. “She didn’t feel my pain, did she?” she asked, apprehension lacing her tone.

Phil knew that the answer was going to upset Melinda, but knew that if he lied to her - she was kick his ass when she was better. “Ward actually called us not long after we arrived at the warehouse where you and Nat were and informed us that you had been shot because Skye felt it,” he expressed, solemnly.

Melinda’s face went white. “F-felt it? How … we were almost thirty minutes away from the Bus?” she questioned, baffled. How was that possible?

Phil wish he knew the answer. “I don’t know,” he answered, releasing a heavy sigh. “It could be because of her strong connection with us? I honestly cannot explain it, Mel. Anyway by the time we got back to the bus, she looked a bit pale, her eyes bloodshot and she was hanging off Ward. I didn’t notice much since my attention was on you.”

Melinda’s eyes filled with tears. Damn Morphine.  She hated the fact that it was making her feel vulnerable.

Phil’s voice filled with emotion. “We were so close to losing you, Mel. If Jemma hadn’t given you a blood transfusion with Skye, then you wouldn’t have made it here. They saved your life. And I am so grateful for that because I wouldn’t know how to live without you,” he confessed with raw emotion.

Melinda could see the sincerity in his eyes, heard the emotion in his voice. Why did he have to say something like that? She didn’t deserve someone like him. She was too broken and damaged. She already had her chance with him a long time ago and ruined it - twice. Melinda averted her eyes. “I’m not worth it,” she whispered in a barely audible tone.

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