Chapter 75

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The Bus - 18:13 - Open Kitchen Area

Skye was standing behind the breakfast bar, cutting up vegetables as Grant stood behind the hotplate and was frying the diced chicken. Several minutes ago, she had announced to Grant that she was going to make dinner tonight for the team and he had automatically volunteered to help. She knew it was because he was afraid to get food poisoning or something. She wasn't that bad in the kitchen. Skye had sent them all a group text announcing that dinner will be ready by seven and assured them that Grant was helping her when she had received a few concerned responses about what she was making.

Skye put the knife down beside her cutting board. She then picked up the cutting board filled with assorted vegetables and tipped it into the large bowl of water she had beside the board. Skye then spun around in her spot, her eyes fixed on the back of her boyfriend as she watched him for a moment. A smile melted across her lips as she thought how domestic this was. The two of them cooking dinner in a kitchen. Maybe one day they would be doing this in their own house for their own children. Woah, we did that thought come from? Skye gave a shake of the head. Would a family even be possible in this world? Definitely not anytime soon with so much evil on the rise. Plus, did Grant even want a family? She remembered how they had discussed it once before and he brushed it off. His own had did a real number on him.

Skye released a sad sigh before she walked over towards the cupboard beside the sink and grabbed the roasting tray that was under there. The brunette turned and headed back to her station and placed the roasting tray on the bench. She then picked up the bowl of raw vegetables that were soaking in the water and took them over to the sink that already had the colander in sitting in it. She then tipped them into the colander and placed the empty bowl to the side before transfer the vegetable from the colander now back in the bowl.

Skye made her way back to the breakfast bar with said bowl of vegetable and tipped them into the roasting tray. She then straightened them up before picking up said roasting tray and walking it over towards the oven that was preheating. Skye opened the oven door and slid the tray full of vegetables in. She closed the door, adjusted the heat to Grant's previous instructions and set the timer.

"Okay, so I have twenty minutes before I have to turn them," Skye announced from her spot. "What next Chef Grant?" she purred.

Grant felt a grin tug at his lips as he glanced down at the large pot that was starting to boil. "Can you grab the pack of penne from the pantry?"

Skye walked the few feet to the small pantry and opened the door. Her eyes then began searched for said pasta. Several seconds later she spotted something that made a smile curve her lips. "Uh, Wall-E?"

"Yeah?" Grant voiced, turning his head.

Skye grabbed the packet of pasta from the pantry. "I think we out of penne, but we have this." she grinned, holding up a packet of zoo animals shaped pasta. There was a picture of a monkey in the front. "I am guessing that FitzSimmons did the shopping last time."

Grant rolled his eyes. Damn it, Fitz. "They'll have to do," he sighed, turning his attention back to the simmering chicken. "Think we should pick out all the monkey's out to annoy Fitz?"

Skye giggled. 

"Boss ... The Command Centre has an alert on Deathlok," M.A.I.O.S voiced poured from her laptop that was sitting open on the bench.

The pair spun around and shot their attention towards Skye's laptop. Skye had linked her laptop and A.I to her search program that was looking for Deathlok.

"Thanks M.A.I.O.S," the brunette voiced, turning her attention towards Grant. "I should go ..."

Grant nodded. "I got this," he assured her with a soft smile. "Shout if you need me."

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