Chapter 69

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Several minutes passed before the couple parted from their long passionate intimate kiss, their forehead touching as their eyes remained focused on one another while they both waited for their racing heart to slow back down to their normal rhythmic beats. The two remained like that for a few minutes, no words needed - just wanting to be close with one another for as long as possible.

“Let’s go to bed,” Skye spoke after a moment, pulling her head back and dropping her arms from around his neck. Her hand then found his and interlocked. Skye just wanted to return back to her bunk and cuddle with Grant until she fell asleep in his arms. 

Grant felt Skye pull on his hand as she headed for the direction of the door, but Grant didn’t budge from his spot. “I can’t,” he told her, shaking his head.

Skye haltered in her spot and snapped her head in his direction as confusion washed over her. What?

“Coulson told me to stay here,” he explained, honestly.

Skye turned and took the few steps back to towards Grant until she was standing in front of him, their fingers still laced as she placed her free hand on his shoulder. “Grant … I am sure my da-”

“I have to stay,” Grant cut her off. “This is where I belong until he tells me otherwise,” he informed her, matter-a-factly. “I’m sorry, Skye.”

Skye felt a whirl of emotions wash over her. She was angry that Grant saw himself like that, but also sad because now that she knew of his full past - she knew that it was going to be a long time and road of healing before he believed in himself and that there was still good inside him. She was angry at his family and John Garrett for what they did to him and how they broke him, made him believe that he was nothing and that emotions made him weak. Skye wanted to cry for the little scared boy and the broken and vulnerable man that was standing in front of her.   

Skye leaned forward and brushed a kiss across his cheek before letting go of Grant’s hand and walked off towards the door. She placed her hand on the handle, gripping it as she glanced over her shoulder. Grant hadn’t moved from his spot. He was watching her. Skye bit down on her lower lip as moisture filled her eyes. She was going to fix all of this.



Skye stepped out of the interrogation room and took a few steps out and towards her parents that were waiting several feet from her. She left the door open, not wanting Grant to feel like a prisoner.

“So,” she voiced, biting down on her lower lip. “You guys saw all that?” she asked, gesturing to the open door.  

Her parents nodded as they began walking towards her.

“We muted it after the kissing started,” Melinda supplied, scrunching her nose.

The pair stopped in front of her.  

Skye folded her arms across her chest as a chuckle escaped her throat at her mother's comment.

Phil placed a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “How you doin, Bug?” he asked gently, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "I know that that was a lot to absorb."

Skye felt a wave of emotion wash over her. She was holding back the tears. “Fine,” she lied, swallowing the lump that had lodged in her throat. “Uh, can you release Grant?” she requested, clearing her throat. “He won’t leave without your permission and I need him," vulnerability slipping into her voice. "I need him out of that room. He is not a prisoner and I don’t want him feeling like one. We’re gonna need him to beat this … to beat them!”

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